The antonym of containment
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Containment interpretation

1. Stickiness. The Book of the Han Dynasty · Ji Zan of the Yuan Dynasty: "It is necessary to check the literary meaning, and you are always wandering around. The cause of filial piety and propaganda has declined." Song Yu Wenbao's Four Records of Sword Blowing: "It is especially impossible for those who check the literary meaning to make changes at an opportune moment." Zhang Binglin's "Yi Shu · Xue Bian": "It is important to check the Confucianism of Yang Xiong. There is no extravagance and wealth, and the three sons are prosperous." 2. Constraints; Control. The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Zhi, Deng Ai's Biography: "Never restrain Changbei from being alone." Tang Hanyu's Annals of Xue Cemetery: "The local governor is governed by himself and has nothing to restrain." The third and eighth chapters of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "It is also a way to restrain princes to make my distant son enter the court."

The antonym of containment

  • Extrication jiě tuō 
    1. Cancellation; Untie. "Records of the Historian, Biographies of Desperate Officials": "When Jiuqing died of his crime, he was rarely punished, but became a capital punishment. He thought he would never receive it again, so he was liberated, and was sent to Guan to return home by deception." Sima Zhen Suoyin: "It's called taking off the grip." Tang Hanyu's "Poems of Virtue in the Yuan Dynasty": "Get rid of the grip of the grip of the grip of the grip of the anvil and axe." The fourth and second chapters of "The Water Margin": "Zhao can free the soldiers' clothes and lead them out of the temple." Shatin's "Howl": "Well, you can get the doll in the room!" She said, and began to free the daughter's braces. "2. Exculpate; Release. The Book of Han · Biography of Zhao Guanghan:
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