Practical antonym
Xinhua Dictionary Red couplet
Red couplet antonym
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Practical explanation

Practical; Really. The seventh and fourth volumes of Zhu Zi Yulei: "Courtesy and humility must be followed by practical actions." Liu Xun of the Yuan Dynasty, "General Comments on Seclusion - Poetry II": "The lines are dignified and the things are practical, without reducing the number of mausoleums." Li Zhi of the Ming Dynasty, "Fu Jiao, the book of weak marquises": "Generally speaking, the holy words are practical and useful, not empty. If they are, they should be used!" "A Dream of Red Mansions" The 97th time: "Jia Zheng asked someone to help him back. He went back to Mrs. Wang's house and asked Mrs. Wang to discipline his son." Lu Xun's "Three Leisure Stories - How to Write": "Although it's just a mosquito bite, it's always practical." ◎ Really qi è sh&i

Concrete antonym

  • empty kōng dòng 
    1. Nothing; emptiness. The preface to Song Linbu's poem "Living in a deep place with mixed interests": "My husband is not the same, his chest and stomach are empty, and there is nothing left for him." The first part of Zhou Libo's Great Changes in Mountain Villages: "In the middle of the night, she gets up alone, sneaks into the empty and dark hall, and quietly practices her eloquence." Liu Qing's History of Creation Chapter 19 of Part I: "Without Lan Lan, how empty their life in the past ten years should be!" 2. Taoist language. It is called the too empty realm of transforming vitality. Tang Wujun's poem "Wandering Immortals" (24): "The emptiness condenses the essence of truth, but it is the emptiness in the reality." Volume II of the Seven Signatures of the Cloud Collection: "The vitality is in the tiny jungle, but outside the dark world, it is born
  • Frivolity xū fú 
    giddy and insincere. Song Sushi's Book on Plum Blossom Dragon: "The man is simple and contracted, so all the people in the world are simple and honest; detailed and difficult, so all the people in the world are fickle and provocative." Taiping Tianguo Hong Xiuquan's "Jiefuwen": "Don't use a word of beauty, don't use half a word of vanity." Qu Qiubai's "Marine Shulin Lafarge and His Literary Criticism" "Lafarge believes that the cognitive function of literature is of great significance, so he severely criticizes the vanity of bourgeois realism and naturalism." Ye Shengtao's Bitter Vegetable: "When you happen to be a rake and plant a few vegetables, you think you get real pleasure and know the truth of life, but it is not just a fantasy
  • Floating fú fàn 
    See "floating". It is also called "floating". 1. Float on water or in the air. The second volume of Tang Liuxun's "Records of Mountains": "(jellyfish) floats on the water, and the catcher may encounter it, that is, he will not be able to catch it." The fourth part of Guan Hanqing's "Feast of Five Marquis" of Yuan Dynasty: "There will be several grey ducks floating on the Yellow River." Guo Moruo's "Olive Mandala": "The fragrance of powder, toon oil and perfume will float in the air." 2. It is extended to a cruise by boat. "The Book of Jin · Biography of Xie An": "Roaring and chanting mountains and forests, floating across the river and sea." 3. Wandering. Lao She's Philosophy of Lao Zhang, No. 4 and No. 5: "Old Man Li is such a person who floats in distress." 4
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