The antonym of cozy
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Pleasant explanation

1. Satisfied. Tang Hanxiang's poem "Sorrow": "It's hard to be comfortable with the bright moon and clear wind, and the poets are extremely beautiful and hurt to leave." Volume IV of Yuan Liuqi's "Guiqian Zhi": "The captain gave a hundred stars in platinum, and his people still feel uncomfortable leaving." Gu Yanwu's "Answering Zeng's Court News Book": "The thirty volumes of" Rizhi Lu "have already done its eight, but not yet comfortable." Wei Wei's "Orient" Chapter 1 of Part III: "Talking about all this, how comfortable Xiao Qi is!" 2. Comfortable. Chapter 73 of Hao Ran's Sunny Days: "Look how charming and comfortable he is!" Yuan Ying's Ode to the Guide: "People say that taking the Yangtze River steamer is a pleasant journey." ◎ Nice qi è

Antonym of cozy

  • pain tòng kǔ 
    1. Feel very uncomfortable physically or mentally. In Lunheng · Change by Wang Chong of the Han Dynasty, "Li Si and Zhao Gao slandered and killed the crown prince Fusu, and Meng Tian and Meng Yi, all of them uttered painful words at that time." Sui Shu · Confucian Biography · Wang Xiaoji: "Pain is difficult to ease, and poverty is easy to turn into frown." Wei Wei's "Zhuang Xing Ji · Bless People Going to Life": "If you understand that life is a struggle, you will not suffer from a little frustration." 2. Something that makes the body or spirit feel very uncomfortable. Ba Jin's Family 3: "'Do you have pain? What pain do you have?' Chueh min asked in surprise." The second scene of Lao She's Family photo: "In my opinion, they are not just looking after
  • long wistfully chàng wàng 
    To visit or yearn for wistfully. In the poem "Farewell to Fan Lingling's Tomb at the New Pavilion" by Qi Xie Tiao of the Southern Dynasty, "I stopped to look with regret, and I stopped to take my oars." In the second part of Tang Dufu's "Yearning for the Historic Site", "I looked with regret at the tears in the autumn, and the depression of different generations was different at the same time." In the words of "Manjianghong · Jinling's Remembrance of the Past" by Sa Dula of Yuan Dynasty, "Six generations were prosperous, and the spring went away, and there was no news. When I looked empty, the mountains and rivers were beautiful, which was not the past." Journey to the West " The 50th time: "But Tang Monk sat in the circle and waited for a long time. When he did not see the traveler coming back, he leaned over and looked wistfully, saying, 'Where did the monkey go to make his vows?'" Guo Moruo, "Journey of the Northern Expedition" 29: "When standing on the high slope, there was a group of Japanese
  • Sad nán guò 
    1. It is said that the days are long and hard to endure. Song Ouyang Xiu's "Summer Study Book": "Summer is long, full of food and sorrow, and I don't know how to be ashamed, but I think it's the reason why I put my heart in my heart and dissipate the heat of the day." 2. I can't get through it. Mao Zedong's "Firmly Believing in the Majority of the Masses": "Now it is time to pass the pass of socialism, some people will be sad." 3. Pain; It's uncomfortable. Dunhuang Quzici, Phoenix Returns to the Cloud: "It's really sad to have a female face in the east." The twelfth chapter of Biography of Heroes of Children: "My wife looks straight, frowns, and listens to a sad sentence." The eighth chapter of Twenty Years of Witnessing the Strange Status Quo: "I feel even more sad when I think of talking about the happiness of Tianlun at this time."
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