The opposite of being overjoyed
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It describes the extreme happiness. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty · The Biography of Zhang Kan: "The people sang, 'The mulberry has no branches, and the wheat heads are different. Mr. Zhang is overjoyed when he is in charge of politics.'" The Book of Zhou · The Biography of Xiao Dawuan: "When you have friends, you can talk about the past and the present. When you meet each other, you can talk about the crops. This is enough, and you can't stand it." The fifth and sixth chapters of Twenty Years of Witnessing the Strange Situation: "The more joyful summer is, the more you can eat wine." Chapter 1 of Furong Town by Gu Hua: "Whenever he thinks of such a wonderful place in the new society, he is so happy to play footfalls and somersaults on the red painted high column bed

The opposite of being overjoyed

  • Describe extreme grief. The language version of Zhanguo Ce · Yan Ce San: "I want to die, and my heart will be cut off." The Dunhuang Bianwen Anthology: The Tomb of Han Generals: "(Lingmu) looks up to the sky and cries: 'Doctor Jiaozi's Tomb'. It should be the general of Chu who hears about it, but can't break his heart." Mirror Flower Marriage The third and fourth times: "Think of the past and look at the current shape. It really looks like two generations of people. There are ten thousand kinds of desolation and heartbreak
  • extreme joy begets sorrow lè jí āi lái 
    The same as "happiness is sorrow". The Ode to Leisure by Tao Qian of Jin Dynasty: "Sadness and joy come with sorrow, and finally push me to stop singing." Tang Dufu's poem "Watching Gongsun's Aunt Disciple's Sword Dance": "Daiyan's music is urgent to return to the end, and the music is extremely sad to come out from the east. I don't know where I am going, and my feet turn to the barren mountain with sorrow." 02. Tang Dufu's poem "Watching Gongsun's Aunt Disciple's Sword Dance Dance": "Daiyan's music is urgent to return to the end, and the music is extremely sad to come out from the east." 01. Tao Qian's "Ode to Leisure": "I would like to be a tung in the wood and a singing harp on my knee; sorrow and joy come with sorrow, and eventually push me to stop singing." For the definition, see "extreme joy begets sorrow.". See the article "Joy begets sorrow". Dianyuan is listed here as "extreme happiness begets sorrow"
  • Cry bitterly jiào kǔ lián tiān
    Described as extremely distressed and complaining. The sixteenth chapter of Journey to the West: "Look at the monks, carrying boxes and cages, grabbing tables and carrying pans, and crying out in the courtyard." The first one of the first chapters of Dream of Red Mansions: "People cry and beg on their knees." The third chapter of Mao Dun's Midnight: "Wu Sun fu is in the best situation when people in the silk industry cry and cry." ◎ Complaining repeatedly because of too hard work
  • The same as "happiness is sorrow". Quanyuan Sanqu · Que Stepping on the Branch · Gifts to Prostitutes: "I sigh that time has passed, but I am afraid that the end of the scene will be happy and sad." "Alerting to the World · Dui Xiucai will make peace once": "The prime minister of Wang Ya only talks about wealth for thousands of years, and luxury for thousands of generations. Who knows that extreme happiness makes sorrow. Once he offends the imperial court, he will close the door for exploration, and he will never know life or death." "A Dream of Red Mansions" The 13th time: "Now our family has been flourishing for a hundred years. If one day 'happiness begets sorrow', and if one answers the saying 'trees fall down and monkeys scatter', wouldn't it be a false call of an old family of poetry and books?" Xiao Hong's "March in a small town": "I don't know why, in such a happy tune, everyone has
  • after joy comes sadness lè jí bēi shēng 
    The same as "happiness is sorrow". Chapter 4 of Fan Zhang's Millet by Yuan Gong Tianting: "People all say that I am in the twilight of life, and I have some extraordinary weather. But it is a time of extreme happiness and tragic life. Today's changes have come and gone." Volume 20 of "Amazing at the Beginning of the Moment": "If that prince leans on his ancestors' power... only to be happy, he will be useful. But I do not know that extreme happiness and tragic life will eventually lead to the end of the golden age." Sun Zhiwei of the Qing Dynasty wrote a poem titled "The Painting of the Pear Garden": "The autumn has gone and the spring has come, but the color of the pear flower has not changed. It is lucky to see this flower, so don't regret it." When happiness reaches its peak, it often turns to sadness. Yuan. Gong Dayong's Fan Zhang Millet Chicken: The Fourth Fold: "People all say that I am in the twilight..."
  • suffer heavy losses chuàng jù tòng shēn
    The language version of The Book of Rites - Three Years' Question: "A great man will be created for a long time, and a great man will be hurt later." The great work of Xunzi · On Rites is "huge", and the more it is created, the more it is "more". Later, it was said that the wound was heavy and the pain was deep. The Book of Jin · Biography of He Xun: "When our father met with injustice, he created great pain." The Zizhi Tongjian · The First Year of Emperor Wen's Dabao in Liang Dynasty: "Today's society is in danger of humiliation, and great pain has been created. We should only look at the heart and feel the gall, cry blood, and rest of the small anger, or be tolerant of Shi." Liang Qichao's Theory on Tracing the Origin of China's Weakness "Emperor Wenzongxian... once the Dinghu Lake and the Beishou Rehe River are gone, the dragon beards will not return. This is really a great pain, and it can not be repeated." See "Creating Greatness". ◎ Create a giant
  • Sorrow āi gǎn tiān dì 
    It describes extreme grief, which moves the world.
  • hardly wished to live tòng bù yù shēng
    I am too sad to live. Describe the extreme grief. It is said in the Diao Shuo by Lu Dajun of Song Dynasty: "Her compassion and sense of pain and sickness do not want to live." Ji Yun of the Qing Dynasty, "Notes from the Yuewei Thatched Cottage, Huaixi Magazine I", said: "There are Wang Zhensheng who lost his beloved son in his old age, and he is very sad." The first scene of Cao Yu's Peking Man: "In the lonely empty room, when she reads about the long years to come, she sometimes feels very sad and almost suicidal." Chapter 5 of Du Pengcheng's "In a Peaceful Day": "He can't imagine how he would suffer from the loss of Xiao Liu!" Chapter 6 of the History of Chinese Literature of the Chinese Department of Peking University: "The poet (Qu Yuan)'s sorrow is not painful
  • be overcome with grief bēi bù zì shèng 
    I can't bear the sadness. In the Han Dynasty, Xun Yue's The History of Emperor Ping: "The Empress Dowager cries because of her name, and all of her left and right sides weep. Shun cannot be satisfied with her grief." In the Tang Dynasty's Anonymous News Record, Liu Yi: "When you have finished speaking, you can't be satisfied with your grief." In the Qing Dynasty's Pu Songling's Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, Lu Wubing: "Sun Gongzi of Luoyang, who is named Qi, married the daughter of Jiang Taishou, and was very familiar with him. When he was 20 years old, he could not be satisfied with his grief." ◎ Overwhelmed with grief, victory: abstinence. Sadness is too much for me. Described as extremely sad, the empress dowager cries because of her name, and tears fall on her left and right, Shun
  • suffer heavy losses chuàng jù tòng réng
    Also known as "Great Pain Still". It means that the wound is deep and the grief is long. Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty wrote the inscription of the filial piety gate in Anfeng County, Shouzhou: "The great pain is still created, and its name is Qiongmin." Qian Qianyi of the Qing Dynasty wrote the system of adding a wife to the mother Luo: "When the wind stops and the trees are quiet, the empty sorrow lives in the spring. The great pain is still created, and the long feeling is isolated from thousands of miles." See "Creating Great Pain" and "Creating Great Pain".
  • ofter joy comes sadness lè jí zé bēi 
    When the joy reaches its peak, something sad will happen instead. Huainanzi Daoyingxun: "When a man is rich in things, he will be sad when he is happy." Historical Records: Funny Biographies: Volume 87: "It is said that the people who are buoyant are happy and comfortable, and the people who are bored with anger are the most joyful, and the people who are excited are the most wailing, and the people who are extremely happy are sad, and the people who are extremely sad are happy." ◎ The people who are extremely happy are sad l è j í - z é b ë i [ofterjoysomesadness; extre
  • Complain incessantly jiào kǔ bù dié
    Keep complaining. The first episode of "The Legacy of Xuanhe": "The Huizong complained incessantly... He was in a cold sweat." Mao Zedong's "Analysis of All Classes in Chinese Society": "If I talk with this generation, I will find that I complain incessantly Chapter 35 of Zheng Chenggong by Feng Shanji and others: "Although he cursed like this, he secretly complained incessantly.". "The Water Margin. Episode 60": "As I was walking, suddenly the land mine gave a loud noise, and two people were crying in the array, and they were all together
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