The antonym of Jibaba
Xinhua Dictionary Red couplet
Red couplet antonym
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Hurry to explain

1. Describe urgency. The first episode of Yuan Wuming's "Enemy Creditor": "My eldest brother has nothing to do but spend money day and night to plan." Jiang Shumao's "Little Accountant": "In the yard, the burning sun is shining on people, and the sweat of big beans is constantly flowing down. Everyone is eager to take out money and go to the shade to cool down." 2. Chapter 1 of Hong Shen's "Fragrant Rice": "To tell you the truth, we live in a hurry every year and have no spare money, so we still haven't returned it up to now.". Yuan. Anonymous's "Enemy Creditor. First Discount": "My eldest brother has nothing to do with his family. He is eager to raise money day and night

The antonym of Jibaba

  • Slow down màn tūn tūn 
    Slow look. Mao Dun, "Midnight" 4: "Chen Junyi spoke slowly." Liu Qing, "History of Entrepreneurship", Part I, Chapter 28: "Yao Shijie is eager to take Guo Shifu's words out of his slow beard with his hands." Also known as "slowly swallow". The first part of Zhou Libo's "Storm" I: "The car sways on the flat road and slowly walks." ◎ Slowly m à nt, nt, n [irritatingly slow; exasperating slowly slow]; Very slow. Tell her not to be so slow
  • Slow màn yōu yōu 
    Described as slow. Chapter 20 of the first part of Liu Qing's "History of Entrepreneurship": "I can't do it..." He said slowly again after catching Shengbao's hand. For example, "He always does things like this, slowly."
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