The opposite of hurry
Xinhua Dictionary Red couplet
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Explain hurriedly

Hurried appearance; A hurried appearance. Ba Jin's "Home" 35: "Some people came out of the house in a hurry, and some people went there in a hurry, all with panic expressions, and they did not dare to speak loudly. Zhang Jun's "Cowherd Grandfather": "The old man didn't say a word. He put down his rice bowl, felt the jujube fork and the flute behind the door and rushed out." Fei Liwen's "Tide of the Huangpu River" IV: "Wu Decheng rushed in from outside." ◎ Hurry j&iacu

The antonym of hurry

  • Slow down màn tūn tūn 
    Slow look. Mao Dun, "Midnight" 4: "Chen Junyi spoke slowly." Liu Qing, "History of Entrepreneurship", Part I, Chapter 28: "Yao Shijie is eager to take Guo Shifu's words out of his slow beard with his hands." Also known as "slowly swallow". The first part of Zhou Libo's "Storm" I: "The car sways on the flat road and slowly walks." ◎ Slowly m à nt, nt, n [irritatingly slow; exasperating slowly slow]; Very slow. Tell her not to be so slow
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