Ambiguous antonyms
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Ambiguous explanation

Fuzziness; vague. Lu Xun's "Quasi Fengyue Talk about Chinese Language and Chinese People": "Chinese people do not feel difficult because of the 'ambiguous' place of Chinese language, but are willing to develop it." Yang Shuo's "Storm": "District Head Zhao grabs the Wowotou, gulps it down, and says vaguely in his voice:' Shuan'er! This is an important business, you have to pass it on at once." ◎ Ambiguous; Ambiguous] blurring; Ambiguous wording in uncertainty. If a noun, concept or statement is undefined or unclear, it is called "ambiguous..."

Ambiguous antonym

  • clear qīng xī 
    Clear. Xue Fucheng in the Qing Dynasty wrote a book on the border between Yunnan and Myanmar: "In a corner of the southwest, the boundary is not very clear ◎ Clear q ī ngx ī [distinct; clear] A mountain that can be seen clearly in the morning light is clear. [Sentence making] The speech is clear, the organization is clear, and the picture is clear. For example, "clear speech", "clear organization", "
  • to make clear míng què 
    1. Be clear and definite. Volume 16 of Crane Forest and Jade Dew of Song Luo Sutra: "The theory of Duke Wen is very clear." Volume 4 of Calligraphy of Lianggong in the Qing Dynasty: "This explanation is clear, and I don't understand it." Chapter 12 of Part VI of Wei Wei's Orient: "He thinks this letter must be clear and decisive, and he should also be careful not to make the other party feel sad because of his carelessness." 2. Make it clear and definite. Chapter II of Kang Zhuo's Water Drips through the Stone: "Fortunately, Yuzhi made this provision clear to him in the new policy." ◎ Make it clear that m í ngqu è (1) [category
  • distinct xiān míng 
    1. The color is dazzling. The Book of the Han Dynasty, The Story of the Ranger, Chen Zun: "The officials and officials in the government all win over the chariots and ponies, and are not distinctive." The New Book of the Tang Dynasty, The Story of Li Zhensu: "The nature is harmonious, and the clothes are bright." Chapter 10 of Xiao Jun's Mine in May: "This is the early autumn season, and some trees and flowers are still blooming brightly and luxuriantly." 2. Still smart. The History of the Han Dynasty, The Legend of the Horse Palace: "There is a division under the emperor, and they all think that the position of the four assistants is the key to the national maintenance, and the position of the three officials is the key to the monarch. There is no clear adherence, and there is no place to be." The Zizhi Tongjian, the first five years of the reign of Emperor Hanping, quoted this article, and Hu Sansheng noted: "It is clear, as if it were smart." 3. It is excellent and beautiful. 《...
  • Understand? míng bái 
    1. Clear; to make clear. Mozi Banner: "When setting up a flag, everyone can understand it. It is called a sub flag." Tang Yuanzhen's poem "Si Zhi Temple": "The source is worth understanding, so I have the cloud today : "Four and five black spots come circling, and gradually lower, the two red circles on the silver gray wing can also be seen clearly." 2. Exactly. "Historical Records: Biographies of Hengshan Mountain in Huainan": "Wang An in Huainan is very rebellious and knows how to conspire, so he should be punished."
  • clear míng liǎo 
    1. Understand; Clear. "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, The Legend of Prescriptions, Hua Tuo": "The girl Lu told the current events of Xianzong very clearly, and the discussants doubted the people at that time." Volume I of the General Record of Strange News by Song Wuming: "The village heard hundreds of people walking, talking or laughing, singing or crying, and the disturbance was hasty, not very clear." 2. Clearly know or understand. The poem "Close the door" written by Qi Ji of the Five Dynasties: "The center is clear and clear, a word from the founder." Song Shen wrote Zhe's "Yu Jian", Volume VI: "If everything is in my mind, it is clear and clear, then it will be easy to deal with it, and it will be appropriate to deal with it. Without further consideration, all priorities are moderate." Li Zhi of the Ming Dynasty, "Fu Deng Shi Yang Shu": "Only this major event in life can not
  • clear qīng chǔ 
    1. Clear; Understand? Be organized. He Guangyuan of Hou Shu, in The Book of Precepts, Shumen Satire: "Jiang Yigong is a native of the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers. He has no sycophantic flattery, and has a talent for chanting people. All the scholars in Sichuan are afraid. At first, he spoke clearly, not calling right or wrong. Later, he kissed the emperor, and then divided the ugly from the beautiful." The fourth and fifth chapters of The Scholars: "When I get this thing clear, I will pick up the eldest brother." Xia Mianzhun, Ye Shengtao, Wenxin 5: "Dawen, first clear up your desk." Chapter 11 of Haoran's Sunny Days: "Ma Lianfu said, 'The matter of wheat distribution has not been explained clearly for a long time. Why do you keep whispering!'" 2. Qinglang. Song Luoye's "
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