What does t-h mean? Translation_Red Couplet
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What does t-h mean, t-h translation

Basic explanation

Network: temperature; High temperature heat source; Papillary point

example sentence

  • Charles Darwin, as well as others like T. H. Huxley and Charles Lyell, insisted the age of the Earth must be in the hundreds of millions.

    Charles Darwin, and others like T H. Huxley and Charles Lyle insisted that the earth must be hundreds of millions of years old.

  • Almost four in five smokers smoke cigarettes once described as mild or light, said the executive director of Quit, Todd Harper.

    T H said that four out of every five smokers smoked cigarettes that were described as mild and low tar.

  • One of these was the Bishop of Oxford, who took part in a debate against T . H . Huxley, a well-known scientist .

    One of them was the bishop of oxford diocese, who participated in the debate with the famous scientist t. h. huxley.

  • Eve: Well. If I didn"t come to see the play, I wouldn"t h*e anywhere else to go.

    Eve: Well, if I don't go to the theatre, there will be no other place to go.

  • An article on smoking among older individuals, with a commentary by T. H. Lam, appeared in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

    An article on smoking among the elderly was published by T H. Lam's comments were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

  • I will explain to Bena by myself. You don"t h*e the right to order me to kill an innocent person.

    I will explain to Sister Wuyi that you have no right to order me to kill an innocent person.

  • The key sciences issues involving the deep underground mining, energy storage and high level unclear waste repository is T-H-M couple.

    Deep mining of mineral resources, underground energy storage and deep burial disposal of high-level radioactive waste all involve a common key scientific problem - rock stress, temperature and water multi field coupling.

  • A new method using T-H diagram is introduced to analyze the energy recovery system with intermediate medium.

    The method of analyzing the heat recovery system with intermediate heat transfer medium on the temperature enthalpy diagram is proposed.

  • And if you don"t h*e them, what you get is a system that doesn"t work, or you get chaos.

    Without them, you will get an invalid or chaotic system.

  • T(H)2 cells control immunity to extracellular parasites and all forms of allergic inflammatory responses.

    T (lower high) 2 cells control all forms of cellular immunity, parasites, and allergic inflammatory reactions.

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