What is the meaning of roraima? Translation_Red Couplet
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What does roraima mean

Basic explanation

Network: Roraima; Roraima State; Luolaima Peak

example sentence

  • Roraima was the only soybean producing state where the disease was not detected last season.

    Lorema was the only soybean producing state where no rust was found last year.

  • Looming on the distant horizon, Roraima dominated the landscape, glowing intense red in the warm light of the setting sun.

    On the distant horizon, it appears and disappears from time to time, and the landscape set off by Roraima is shining red in the afterglow of the setting sun.

  • Roraima"s full importance only became apparent during the decades after Schomburgk returned from British Guiana.

    Roraima's importance only became apparent decades after Chamberlain returned from British Guyana.

  • The rock of Roraima, however, is mostly silicate, which is also found on Mars.

    However, the rocks in Roraima Cave are mainly silicates, which are also found on Mars.

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