What does "recreate" mean? Translation_Red Couplet
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What does "recreate" mean

Basic explanation

v. : reproduction; Recreation
Network: re creation; Recreation; Reinnovation

Authoritative interpretation

  • Reproduction; Re creation:

    to make sth that existed in the past exist or seem to exist again

English Chinese interpretation

  • Rest; pastime

  • To rejuvenate; rejuvenate; To recuperate; recuperate; Amuse oneself

Part of speech analysis

  • Past participle: recreated

  • Present participle: recreating

  • Third person singular: recreates


v.re-form reconstruct refashion reinvent refabricate

example sentence

  • Also, try to recreate the database"s full-text index, if possible, if you think the problem is due to a bad index.

    In addition, if you think the problem is due to a bad index, try to recreate the full-text index of the database (if possible).

  • Whatever NATO"s weaknesses, "if it were gone, it would be very, very hard to recreate. "

    No matter what shortcomings NATO has, "if it disintegrates, it will be very, very difficult to rebuild".

  • The main driving force behind the project was to somehow recreate what these children would have experienced in a more normal situation.

    The main driving force behind this project is to make the children here have a normal living environment through some force.

  • Summary of Background Data. Compound mechanical loadings have been used to recreate clinically relevant annular disruptions in vitro.

    In vitro loading of combined mechanical forces can promote clinically relevant annulus fibrosus rupture.

  • The ISO contains only the applications, no data -- which means you might have to recreate any custom settings again.

    The ISO file contains only the application, not the data - which means you may have to re customize the settings.

  • When you attempt to drop and recreate the stored procedure, but did not remove the JAR file before calling sqlj. install_jar again.

    An attempt was made to delete and recreate the stored procedure, but the JAR file was not deleted before sqlj.install_jar was called again.

  • The scripts can be used to recreate the table and stored procedures on another database, or to modify existing tables and stored procedures.

    These scripts can be used to recreate tables and stored procedures on other databases, or to modify existing tables and stored procedures.

  • If I could escape and recreate a place that"s my own world (own world), and I could be your favorite girl (forever). . .

    If I escape and find my world again (my world), I will be your favorite girl (forever)

  • Saving yourself the time and effort in trying to recreate the cache should be a design goal when preloading is being considered.

    When considering preloading, it will be a design goal to save time and effort in trying to recreate the cache.

  • English Professor Liu Haiping worked for more than a year to recreate the event onstage, with a cast of nine Chinese and Japanese students.

    After more than a year of hard work, Liu Haiping, a professor of English at Nanjing University, put the scene on the stage, starring nine Chinese and Japanese college students.

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