What does quadrellion mean? Translation_Red Couplet
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What does "quadrillion" mean

Basic explanation

Num.: the fifth power of thousands
Network: the fifth power of thousands; Gigabit; trillions

Authoritative interpretation

  • To the fifth power of a thousand:

    the number 10&sup15, or 1 followed by 15 zeros

English Chinese interpretation

  • [Britain and Germany] the number of the fourth power [power] of a million [24 zeros after 1]; [ The number of the fifth power [power] of a thousand in the United States and France [15 zeros after 1]

  • 10 billion

  • Quart

  • 1 × 10 to the 15th power method

  • Five thousandth power

Part of speech analysis

  • Plural: quadrellions

example sentence

  • Yes, I said that with a Q, quadrillion.

    Yes, I mean the fourth power of this million (ten billion).

  • That land receives more than 4, 500 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) of solar energy a year.

    This land receives more than 450 Beijing BTU of solar energy in a year.

  • A world economy ten times larger will be a quadrillion dollar economy. Inflation and using future dollars will accelerate that milestone.

    If the world economy grows ten times, it will become a trillion dollar economy. Inflation and advances to the future dollar will accelerate the arrival of this milestone.

  • The Jaguar supercomputer can process up to 2. 3 quadrillion calculations per second.

    This Jaguar supercomputer can calculate 23 trillion times per second.

  • A quadrillion transistors is almost the same as the number of neurons in your brain.

    One trillion transistors, almost equal to the number of nerves in the brain.

  • Once completed, the NSCC in Changsha will add to the world"s eight quadrillion-level supercomputing centers and national labs.

    The completion of the National Supercomputing Center in Changsha will increase the number of supercomputing centers and national laboratories in the world with billions of computing power to eight.

  • Fujitsu"s competitors are also working to break the 10 quadrillion calculations per second, or 10 petaflops, barrier.

    Fujitsu's competitors are also trying to break the bottleneck of 10000 trillion calculations per second.

  • The Americans and British call this number a quadrillion, although the European name is a billiard.

    Americans and Britons call this number "1 quadrillion", although the European mainland calls it "billiard".

  • 55 quadrillion for the world economy is roughly the level of a Kardashev level one civilization.

    The world economy reached 5.5 trillion yuan, roughly equivalent to the early level of Kardashev type 1.

  • Line up a quadrillion pound coins, and they will take you outside our solar system.

    If the one pound coin worth 10 billion pounds is lined up, it can be connected from this side of the earth to that outside the solar system.

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