What does "insure" mean? Translation_Red Couplet
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What does insurance mean

Basic explanation

Adj.: lacking confidence; Uncertain; Unsafe; Unsecured
Network: sense of security; Unreliable; No sense of security

Authoritative interpretation

  • Lacking confidence; lacking confidence; Uncertain:

    not confident about yourself or your relationships with other people

  • Unsafe; Unsecured; Unsecured:

    not safe or protected

English Chinese interpretation

  • Not sure

  • worry; Unstable and restless

  • Unsafe and insecure; (promises, etc) unreliable; Collapsible

  • unsafe; No guarantee


adj.unconfident anxious uncertain apprehensive timid


adj.confident secure steady

example sentence

  • If the implementation is just a bit insecure, a hole is opened on the boundary: the balloon deflates or, worst case, explodes.

    If the implementation is not secure, a vulnerability will appear on the boundary: the balloon will deflate, or the worst case scenario is that the balloon will burst.

  • Around and around, until I realized that the pursuit of the sense of belonging was what was making me feel lonely and insecure.

    I kept pursuing until I found that finding a sense of belonging is the source of my loneliness and anxiety.

  • He said that it made him uneasy to see my silver so insecure in the breakfront, where any intruder could smash the glass.

    He said that when he saw my silverware outside, he felt unsafe and would attract outsiders to break the glass and break in.

  • The media [started portraying] Sarkozy as a vulgar, insecure celebrity-worshipper focused only on himself and his place in the limelight.

    The media began to portray Sarkozy as a vulgar person, an unreliable guy who only cares about himself and his high-profile position and loves vanity.

  • Rice is often the main source of employment, income and nutrition in many poor, food insecure regions of the world.

    In many poor and food insecure areas of the world, rice is often the main source of employment, income and nutrition.

  • Trying to maintain a traditional distributed enterprise desktop strategy in this environment can be difficult, insecure, and costly.

    In this environment, maintaining the traditional distributed enterprise desktop strategy is difficult, insecure, and costly.

  • You are insecure It is not possible to say whether you are unreasonable or not; but it is clear that you are not a competent manager.

    We can't say whether you are reasonable or unreasonable; But it is clear that you are not a competent manager.

  • Marrying for the fourth time at the age of 51, the haughty, but always insecure, Ms Amiel believed she had married a man of unlimited means.

    At 51, she has been married four times. She is arrogant but insecure at times. But this time, she thinks she married a man who is very powerful and can never be read through.

  • And now my life has changed in oh, so many ways. My independence seems to vanish in the haze. But every now and then I feel so insecure. . .

    Now my life has changed in many ways. My independent spirit disappeared in the mist. But I often feel very insecure

  • One day, she told Vadim about her mother Frances Fonda, a beautiful and insecure socialite who"d had numerous plastic surgery procedures.

    One day, she told Vadim about her mother, Frances Fonda, who was a beautiful but insecure socialite and had undergone plastic surgery many times.

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