What does herkimer mean? Translation_Red Couplet
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What does herkimer mean? Translated by herkimer

Basic explanation

Network: Herkimer; Herkimo; Herkimer

example sentence

  • In 1948, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer, a former Southern Methodist University cheerleader formed the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA).

    In 1948, Lawrence? He Qimo, nicknamed "Herkie", a former cheerleader of Southern Methodist University, founded the National Cheerleader Association (NCA).

  • Widespread use of the megaphone started in the 1900"s and the famous pom pon was introduced in the 1950"s by Lawrence Herkimer.

    Loudspeakers began to be widely used in the 20th century, and the famous pompoms were also used by Lawrence Herkimo in the cheerleading team in the 1950s.

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