What does egg mean? Translation_Red Couplet
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What does egg mean

Basic explanation

n. : egg; Egg cell; Egg; Egg
v. : Incitement; To make (food) from eggs; Throw eggs at people
Network: electrogastrogram; Eggs; Eggs

Authoritative interpretation

  • Egg; Eggs (of fish, insects, etc)

    a small oval object with a thin hard shell produced by a female bird and containing a young bird; a similar object produced by a female fish, insect, etc.

  • Eggs (used as food); (esp) eggs:

    a bird"s egg , especially one from a chicken, that is eaten as food

  • egg; Oocytes:

    a cell that combines with a sperm to create a baby or young animal

  • good person; upright gentlemen:

    a person who you can rely on to behave well

  • To make foolish; make foolish; Make a fool of yourself; Disgrace:

    to be made to look stupid

  • Put your hopes on one thing:

    to rely on one particular course of action for success rather than giving yourself several different possibilities

English Chinese interpretation

  • Instigate; encourage

  • Instigate

  • To make (food) from eggs

  • Throw eggs at people

  • 62~82mm anthracite block

  • Thin ice

  • fetus

  • Slang An uninteresting joke; A measly performance

  • [slang] bomb, grenade; torpedo

  • Man

  • Sour egg

  • Egg polar coal

  • Egg Spawn; Ovoid

Part of speech analysis

  • Plural: eggs

  • Present participle: egging

  • Past participle: egged

Word collocation

  • adj.+n.:

    golden egg,raw egg,rotten egg,fresh egg,unfertilized egg

  • v.+n.:

    eat egg,lay egg,put egg,Cook egg,throw egg


n.reproductive cell ovum egg cell ovulev.urge incite spur drive encourage



example sentence

  • To whip an egg is to beat it up in a basin with a fork or machine.

    To beat an egg is to beat it in a basin with a fork or a machine.

  • She was created not out of the union of a sperm and an egg but out of the genetic material from an udder cell of a six-year-old sheep.

    It is not the product of sperm egg combination, but is generated from the genetic material taken from the mammary gland cells of a six year old sheep.

  • Now a team made up of a geneticist, philosopher and chicken farmer claim to have found an answer. It was the egg.

    Now a team of geneticists, philosophers and chicken farmers has claimed to have found the answer to the above question: eggs come first.

  • Mr Fellows said it was the first egg within an egg he had ever seen and that he would be keeping the mini-egg for posterity .

    Philos said that this was the first time he had encountered the situation of hiding an egg in an egg, and he was going to give this mini egg to his descendants.

  • One of the most portable proteins is a hard - cooked egg , but it has no fiber or carbohydrates.

    Fully cooked eggs are one of the most "portable" proteins when they contain no fiber or carbohydrates.

  • Specific questions about egg substitutes should be directed to the manufacturer or to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

    Questions about egg substitutes should be directed at the manufacturer or the Food and Drug Administration.

  • She has a scar on her forehead. Her face is not round, but sort of egg-shaped, and she is about the height of this table.

    There is a scar on her forehead. Her face is not round. It is the goose egg shape. She is almost as tall as this table.

  • DRUGS designed to coax ovaries to produce at least the requisite one egg a month have been a cause of concern for some time.

    The use of drugs to induce the ovaries to produce a necessary egg every month has attracted people's attention at some times.

  • He confirmed it was an egg farm but said he couldn"t "confirm or deny" whether it supplied eggs for swine-flu vaccine.

    He confirmed that it was an egg farm, but could not "confirm or deny" whether they were supplying eggs for influenza A vaccine.

  • a bit of fried egg dangling from his bushy mustache.

    A trace of fried egg dangled from his bushy beard.

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