What's the meaning of countersignature? Translation_Red Couplet
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What does countersignature mean? Translated by countersignature

Basic explanation

n. : countersignature
Network: countersignature; Countersignature; jointly sign

English Chinese interpretation

  • jointly sign

  • Countersignature

Part of speech analysis

  • Plural: countersignatures

example sentence

  • This security catalog is not valid. The countersignature cannot be verified, and the security catalog may have been altered.

    The security directory is invalid. The counter signature cannot be verified. The security directory may have been changed.

  • Enclosed please find the duplicate with our countersignature.

    Enclosed please find our countersigned contract.

  • Removes the specified countersignature from the.

    Remove the specified countersignature from the collection.

  • the Supplier"s countersignature on the Purchase Order;

    The supplier has signed and countersigned on the purchase order;

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