What does borscht mean? Translation_Red Couplet
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What does borscht mean

Basic explanation

n. : (Russia or Poland) beet soup; Borsch
Network: Russian borscht; Private borscht soup; Eastern European style red cabbage soup

Authoritative interpretation

  • (Russia or Poland) beet soup; Borsch:

    a Russian or Polish soup made from beetroot (= a dark red root vegetable)

example sentence

  • Hot borscht is generally more like stew than soup and is often served with dark bread.

    Hot borscht usually looks more like stew than soup and is often served with black bread.

  • And taste like borscht. "You"re never disappointed by your imagination, but you can be very disappointed by reality, " he says.

    Just like that damned borscht soup, "You will never be disappointed in your imagination, but only the reality will let you down."

  • He hates borscht, because he was forced to eat it once a week as a child.

    He hates borscht, but now he has to eat it at least once a week like a child.

  • If you happen to find yourself in the Big Apple with a hankering for delicious borscht, be sure to take yourself to the Carnegie Deli.

    If you happen to be looking for delicious borscht at the Big Apple, you must go to Carnegie Deli.

  • Beet borscht can be prepared and served in two distinct ways: hot and cold.

    Beet borscht soup has two different cooking methods, cold and hot.

  • However, beet borscht is the most common form of this soup.

    But beet borscht is the most common one.

  • Order a hot milk tea or sample the city"s hybrid Canto-Western cuisine like Russian Borscht or a steak on a sizzling cast iron hotplate.

    Order a cup of hot milk tea, or try some delicious food that combines Cantonese and Western cooking characteristics, such as borscht soup and teppanyaki.

  • Borscht can be spiced up with roasted apples and smoked goose breast.

    Borscht can be enhanced with roasted apples and smoked goose breast.

  • Winter and soup go together, eating a bowl of hot borscht is an excellent way to warm up on a cold winter night.

    Winter is the season to drink soup. On a cold winter night, a bowl of hot borscht soup is a good way to keep warm.

  • Cold borscht is common to the culinary traditions of Ashkenazi Jews.

    Cold borscht is common in German Jewish cooking tradition.

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