The meaning of "Wei Zhan", pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of trembling


terms Trembling

Related Chinese Characters Wei wei Tremor chan

Pinyin wēi chàn chàn 

The basic meaning of Wei tremble

Weishuiyang refined edition

  • Trembling appearance. Mao Dun's Autumn Harvest 1: "Old Tong Bao was so angry that he couldn't speak. He held a bowl of pumpkins and walked unsteadily to the 'cornice mouth'. He sat on the threshold and ate slowly. His stomach was full of incomprehensible discomfort." Lu Yin's "Two Pupils": "A child's voice was unsteady and said, '... The soldier over there took a knife and cut off his head again. Ah!'"

Disjunctive explanation

Wei :

◎ Wei she Shape (1) (Pictophoney. From the mountain, Wei Sheng. Original meaning: tall) Same as the original meaning [towering] Wei, Gao also—— Shuowen Lofty, Yao and Shun have their own world—— The Analects, Taibo. Collective solution: "Those who are lofty are also tall." It is towering and outstanding

Tremor :

◎ Tremor Zh à n Moving (1) (Pictophonetic. From the page (xi é), Dan (d ǎ n) sound. Related to the header from "page". Original meaning: shaking head) shaking; Tremble [shiver; shudder; tremble] Bitterness and obstinacy, without trembling and fear

Chinese words Wei's word formation Trembling words

A homonym for trembling

Words related to trembling
  • Weiang

    See "Wei Ang".

  • Weike

    Still high. In ancient times, it was said that the imperial examination ranked in the former. Song Yueke's "History of Stretching · Liu Yungu": "His second brother ascended Weike in the north." "Xingshi Hengyan · Su Xiaomei's Three Difficult Groom"

  • Weipan

    Tall and winding. Tang Censhen's poem "Entering Jianmen to write a poem to send Du Yang Erlang" said: "The majesty crosses the mountains of Min, and the majesty is limited to the barbarism."

  • Towering crown

    High crown. Part II of Song Zhao and Liao's Book Hall Poetry: "A tall car is as glorious as a hanging car, and a lofty crown is as clear as a hanging crown

  • Tremor

    ◎ tremor zh è nch à n (1) [tremor; quiver]: tremor in old age (2) [flip]: shock gun

  • Trembling

    ◎ trembling

  • Tremor

    ◎ trembling

  • shiver

    A sudden shiver of the body from cold or fear. Yuan Mei of the Qing Dynasty's "New Qixie · Coffin Bed": "(Lu Xiucai) is afraid that he will walk to his couch and become more attentive, shivering all over, and his couch will move." Junqing's "Party Member Registration Form"

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