Zong Qingshi's meaning, pinyin _ red couplet
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Zong Qingshi's meaning

Zong Qingshi

terms Zong Qingshi

Related Chinese Characters Zong zong Qing qing division shi

Pinyin zōng qīng shī 

Zong Qingshi's basic meaning

Zong Qingshi's meaning refined edition

  • The title of a master. "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty · Biography of Li Tong": "(Li Shou) first came to Liu Xin, a good astrological prophecy, and was Wang Mang's minister." Li Xiannote: "In the fifth year of the reign of Emperor Ping, Wang Mang was regent, and the prefecture set a master to lead the clan, which was specially respected, so it was called Emperor Zongqing's minister."

Disjunctive explanation

Zong :

◎ Zong Name (1) (Comprehension. From Yao to Shi. Shi, gods, Yao, houses. Sacrifice ancestors indoors. Original meaning: ancestral temple, ancestral temple) (2) Same as the original meaning [ancestral template] Zong, respect the ancestral temple—— Shuowen You are the Rank Clan

Qing :

◎ Qing Name (1) (Comprehension. The oracle bone inscriptions are shaped like two people eating. Shuowen: "From the Mao, the sound of soap (b ī)." "Mao, the system of things." The original meaning: feast food.) (2) In ancient times, the title of senior officer or title. Before the Han Dynasty, there were six ministers, nine ministers in the Han Dynasty, and the Northern Wei Dynasty was under Zhengqing

division :

◎ Division Teacher Name (1) (Comprehension. Cong coin, cong dang. cong dang (du dang) is a small mountain, and yuan (z ) is an encirclement. There are small hills all around, which means many. Original meaning: the first level of the ancient military establishment. 2500 for one division) (2) Same as the original meaning of [division]

Chinese words Zong's words Qing's words Teacher's Word Formation

Zong Qingshi Homonym

Zong Qingshi related words
  • Lineage

    A descendant of one's own family. "Records of the Historian, Biographies of the Huns": "The custom of the Huns... when father, son and brother die, they choose their wives and wives, which is also a loss of their evil nature. Therefore, although the Huns are in chaos, they must establish their own clan."

  • wife of the eldest son by direct line of descent

    1. Zongzi's wife. The Book of Rites - Internal Rules: "A suitable son, a commoner, is only the son of a patriarch and the wife of a patriarch." Kong Yingdashu: "The wife of a patriarch is the wife of a great patriarch." 2 A woman of the same surname. Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Zhuang 24

  • Patriarchal clan

    The principle of patriarchal clan system. "The Book of Rites · Grand Biography": "Young master has a patriarchal clan. Young master's duke is the commoner of his scholar bureaucrats. He believes in the suitability of his scholar bureaucrats, so does young master's patriarchal clan." "Confucius Family Language · Qu Li Zi Gong Wen": "If

  • Zongwang

    The king of the royal family. The Book of the Song Dynasty, On the Biography of En Xing: "In order to isolate the young leader, steal the power of the country forever, construct similarities and differences, create disasters, emperor, younger brother, emperor, emperor, minister, etc

  • Temple minister

    Abbreviation of the chief minister of nine temples. The Han Dynasty called Taichang, Guangluxun, Weiwei, Taiservant, Tingwei, Dahonglu, Zongzheng, Dasinong, and the officer of Shaofu as the chief minister of Jiusi. Later, the names of the dynasties were slightly different. It also refers to Xianhuan in general. Song

  • official with high rank

    1. Ancient official name. The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty and the princes all had ministers, who were divided into upper, middle and lower levels. The most distinguished one was called "Shangqing". Zuo Zhuan: Three Years of Cheng Gong: "The second country is the top minister, and the second country is the top minister

  • Changqing

    1. Synonym of Wedelia chinensis. Jin Cuibao's "Ancient and Modern Notes - Fish and Insects": "Wedelia chinensis is also a small crab. It grows in the middle of the sea and eats soil. It is called 'Changqing'." 2 The character of Sima Xiangru, a Han Fu writer. Like

  • Your Majesty

    In ancient times, Qing's rank was very high, so it was called "Guiqing". Later, it generally referred to senior officials. "Han Feizi, Internal Reserve:" It is rare to love happiness, but you are always a treasured minister

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