The meaning of Wenzhou, pinyin _ red couplet
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Meaning of Wenzhou


terms Wenzhou

Related Chinese Characters writing wen boat zhou

Pinyin wén zhōu 

Basic meaning of Wenzhou

Refined version of the meaning of Wenzhou

  • A richly decorated boat. One of Xie Lingyun's "A Journey of Willows and Poplar" in the Southern Song Dynasty: "A boat with a quotation of negative size is often hungry and thirsty."

Disjunctive explanation

writing :

◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Chapter Five

boat :

◎ Zhou Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscriptions are shaped like ships. The two sides are like boat sides, and the three lines in the middle represent the bow, cabin, and stern of the boat. "Boat" was often used in the Pre Qin period, but it became more and more popular after the Han Dynasty. Original meaning: boat) (2) Same as boat A boat is a boat. The ancients played drums together

Chinese words Word formation of Wen Word formation of boat

Wenzhou homonym Textual axis Literary broom Literary crepe Wen Cong Warm fitting

Words related to Wenzhou
  • Wenmo people

    People with culture. The 19th chapter of Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua: "Women: 'Coco comes here, I don't believe in a literary man, he does this job.'" Shating's Gold Rush 20: "He is the first man in our town

  • Wen Zhen

    Document track. "Selected Works · Jiang Yan" Miscellaneous Poems · Following Yuan Shu's "Driving" ":" Wen Zhen Bo Guihai, voice teaching candle ice sky

  • Civil affairs

    ◎ Cultural affairs: cultural and educational affairs. Namely culture and education

  • Wen Tong

    Painter and poet of the Northern Song Dynasty. With the character of "Yuke", he was born in Yongtai (now the northeast of Yanting, Sichuan Province), with the name of "Mr. Xiaoxiao". The official knows Huzhou and Zhizhou, but he has not been appointed as a pawn. It is known as "Wenhu Prefecture". He is good at painting black bamboo, creating deep ink on the leaf surface and light ink on the back of the leaf

  • Push the boat to the ground

    Push the boat on the land. It is a metaphor for working without success.

  • Meaning of boat

    Jin Zhangfang's Biography of the Ancestors of the State of Chu: "When Gou Jian destroyed Wu, he said, 'I will divide the state with my son.' Li said, 'The king will obey his orders, and his officials will obey his will.' It was by boat that he traveled across the five lakes and never returned." Because

  • Boat peddling

    merchant ship. Song Yeshi's "Inscription of Calling a Doctor to the Tomb of Simong Shaoqing Gao": "Salt merchants are advised to paste money with rice and peddle boats."

  • Return to the boat

    Still return to the ship. Xie Tiao, Qi of the Southern Dynasty, wrote a poem about how to manage the north window and how to engage in poetry: "How can we comfort the neck when we return to the boat in the morning?" Tang Baohe wrote a poem about leaving the envoy Deng in Wuzhou

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