The meaning of "wuran", pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of Xuran


terms Awaiting

Related Chinese Characters Open wu however ran

Pinyin wù rán 

Basic meaning of Xuran

Xuranyi Refined Edition

  • Awaken appearance. Liu Xiang of the Han Dynasty's New Preface - Miscellaneous I: "His son used his father's words to speak to Linggong. Linggong changed his appearance quickly and lost his position. He said: 'When a teacher is born, he wants to become a good man and retreat. When he dies, he is unremitting and remonstrates with his corpse. It can be said that he is loyal but never fails.'"

Disjunctive explanation

Open :

◎ Extended Moving (1) Same as [wake up] When I sleep, I have words—— Shuowen My fair lady, look forward to it—— Poetry, Zhou Nan, Guan Ju (2) Another example: Watch words (speak after waking up); Sleeping (refers to waking and sleeping); Stay awake (lie awake; lie down

however :

◎ Ran Moving (1) (Comprehension and shape sound. Lower form, upper voice. Four points are the deformation of fire. The sound sign reads y à n, which means dog meat. Next, add fire to roast dog meat. Original meaning: burning) (2) Same as the original meaning. "Ran" is the original word of "burn" [burn] However, it also burns—— Say

Chinese words Word formation Ran words

Homonym of improbability frustrated Don't let it happen Wu Ran Calumny Hyperchromatic Colourless Impertinence contaminated 膴 Ran

Relevant words
  • To move

    It means to move just after waking up. "Wu Zi, Anticipating the Enemy": "Wu Zi said: 'When the enemy is unpredictable, eight people will fight against him. One is the strong wind and cold weather. They will move early, cut ice and water, and will not be afraid of difficulties." Liu Yinzhi said: "

  • Closure

    It means understanding and verification. Volume 16 of the Crane Forest and Jade Dew of the Song Luo Sutra: "If we pursue our dreams, we will see that our deeds have been tested; if we combine words, we will see that our ambitions are secure."

  • awakening

    Wake up. Han Sima Xiangru's "Ode to the Long Gate": "When you are waiting to wake up, you will not see, and your soul will die." Zhang Ju of the Qing Dynasty's Liang Dynasty's "Essay on Retreat from the Nunnery · Practice": "When people are waiting to wake up at the fifth watch, they either repent or take care of the past

  • Awaiting

    I can't sleep and sigh. Poem · Xiaoya · Dadong: "It is a pity that I am afraid of others." Jin Taoqian's poem "Gift to Changsha": "It is a pity that I am afraid of others." It is one of Zhang Jiuling's poems "In the County in Autumn" in Tang Dynasty

  • Shining

    Glitter appearance. Song Chenkuo's Dream Stream Tales: "Lu Zhongfu's home in Wuzhong has never seen the light rising from the walls and pillars, so he looks at it like water."

  • Desperate and desperate

    Depressed: depressed look; Soul pin: The soul has left the body. It describes the appearance of being extremely depressed and sorrowful, so that the mind has no control.

  • Patronize

    See "Huiran Willing to Come".

  • huge monster

    ◎ Giant p á ngr á n-d à w ù (1) [huge monster; giant

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