The meaning of unbridled behavior, pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of wanton behavior

Unbridled travel

terms Unbridled travel

Related Chinese Characters Unbridled zi that 's ok xing

Pinyin zì xíng 

Basic meaning of unbridled behavior

Unconscious meaning refined edition

  • Act at will; Horizontal. Guanzi · Seven Officials and Seven Leaders: "Lord Mang: his eyes stretch out five colors, his ears often speak five tones, his neighbors ignore his voice, and if he doesn't listen to his voice, his officials will act recklessly, and the national power will tilt greatly." "Records of the Historian · Chronicle of Twelve Marquises": "The government is governed by five uncles, the lords will act recklessly, and they will indulge in immorality and extravagance. Thieves, officials and usurpers will flourish." "Jia Mingguan, an official of ten thousand years, relied on the imperial favor to arrest and fight and act recklessly. He accumulated huge wealth, and no one dared to commit his treachery." The History Draft of the Qing Dynasty · The Biography of Prince Li Yun Renzhuan: "Let Renren and his subordinates act recklessly and irreverently." Lu Xun's Preface to "The Selected Prints of Kaisui Colehuizhi", the last edition of Qijie Pavilion Essays: "The vassals then let go of their crusades and ruthless revenge."

Disjunctive explanation

Unbridled :

Moving (1) (Pictophoney. From the heart, infrasound. Original meaning: indulgence) (2) Same as the original meaning [throw off constraint; indolge oneself] Arbitrary, even—— Shuowen Therefore, it is forbidden for people to indulge themselves

that 's ok :

◎ Line h à ng Shape (1) Stiffness [bold] OK, OK, strong look—— Jiyun (2) See also h á ng; héng; X í ng ◎ line h á ng Name (1) (Pictograph. Original meaning: road) (2) Same as original meaning [roa

Chinese words Word formation of wang Word formation of lines

Unbridled homonym offspring Zixing Capital bank Capital form intelligence Self punishment Child star Catalpa bank Self nature Posture unrestrained behavior Postures voluntarily Glyph Zi Xing Introspection

Arbitrary related words
  • act recklessly and care for nobody

    Still unbridled. Chapter 105 of The Status Quo of Strange Things I've Seen for 20 Years: "Cheng Hui has made an accounting room, and all the people are his own teeth and claws. It's unbridled." See "unbridled".

  • Wanton sniping

    Proud and cunning. The Revolutionary Army by Zou Rong of the Qing Dynasty: "The barbaric revolution, with destruction but no construction, is enough to create a terrible era."

  • perpetrate whatever evils one pleases

    ◎ Be unscrupulous

  • recklessly

    1. Indulgence and arbitrariness. Tang Liu Zongyuan's Answer to the Political Theory of Raozhou in Yuan Dynasty: "The poorer the poor are, the more hungry they are, and the more extravagant the rich are, the more extravagant they will be." Ming Liu Ruoyu's "Deliberate on the ambitions of life and anecdotes

  • Algal row

    Conduct. Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty wrote a letter with the Prime Minister of Tubo: "The Qing Dynasty is knowledgeable and refined."

  • Line break

    ◎ Line breaking du à nx í ng [categorically carry out]

  • Conjugal conduct

    Noble conduct. "Wenzi · Xiade": "Ao Shi is cheap, and does not follow the vulgar. Scholars are also married, while managing the world does not think that it will transform the people." The behavior is upright. Huai Nan Zi Qi's Common Saying: "The modesty and hypocrisy confuse the world, and the marriage goes against the public."

  • Act recklessly

    It is used to describe arbitrariness and recklessness.

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