The meaning of "walking bird", pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of walking birds

Walking bird

terms Walking bird

Related Chinese Characters go zou birds qin

Pinyin zǒu qín 

Basic Meaning of Walking Birds

◎ Travelling birds
[seasonal birds; running birds; cursores]

Walking Birds

  • 1. Beasts and birds. Han Jia Yi was quoted in Volume 11 of "Gathering of Arts and Literature" as saying: "Shennong thought that it was difficult for birds to feed people for a long time, but he wanted something to eat. He tasted hundreds of herbs, observed the taste of bitterness, and taught people to eat grain." 2 Birds are good at walking but can't fly. Such as eating turkey and ostrich.
  • ◎ Stray birds
  • A bird. Strong feet, good at walking, unable to fly, and prolific in hot desert. Such as ostrich, turkey eating, etc.

Disjunctive explanation

go :

◎ Go Moving (1) (Comprehension. The golden characters are like a man running with swinging arms, and the lower part is like a human foot. When combined, it means that a person is running. Original meaning: running) (2) Same as original meaning [run] Go, hasten—— Shuowen Come and walk—— Poetry, Daya, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I will meet you

birds :

◎ Bird q í n Name (1) (Pictograph. Original meaning: the total name of animals) (2) Same as the original meaning [bears] The general name of birds and animals—— Shuowen Where are birds? The general name of birds and animals -- White Tiger Pass He ordered the main temple to sacrifice birds everywhere—— The Book of Rites - Yueling. Shu: "The common name of beasts

Chinese words Words for walking Word formation of birds

Homonyms for Travelling Birds Go away

Words related to birds
  • Walk and avoid

    get away. Tang Hanyu's "Wu Temple Inscription": "Siming has gone back to treason, the minister and his brother Chengen murdered him, and the minister went away alone when the incident happened." Cai Dongfan's "Popular Romance of Tang History", the ninth chapter: "

  • Wandering

    ◎ Wandering z ǒ ux ī n [be mindful]: keep in mind; You can't learn skills well without being distracted

  • Wandering the Jianghu

    ◎ Wander from place to place and ear a living

  • Walking platform

    See "Zuma Zhangtai".

  • Protofowl

    1. The alias of the pheasant. Selected Works Pan Yue's Ode to Shoot the Pheasant: "I am afraid that I will travel to the Yanqi, but I am afraid that the original birds are rare." Li Shan's note: "The original birds are also pheasants. The pheasant is not wet at the bottom, so it is called the original birds."

  • Striped fowl

    It refers to birds with beautiful and colorful feathers, such as mandarin ducks, peacocks, etc. The words in Song Huang Tingjian's "Two Concentrations": "Once we were together, we would like to have a happy life; finally we would like to have babies and birds with wings." The words in Song Yang's "In the middle of good": "Plum blossom

  • Parafowl

    Birds in pairs. It mostly refers to mandarin ducks. Song Zhangxian's words in "The Heavenly Fairy · The Time's Jiahe Little Man Sleeps Sick and Does Not Go to the House Meeting": "The birds and birds on the sand close down in the pond, the clouds break the moon and come to the flowers to make a shadow." Wu Jingkui of Yuan Dynasty's "The Twelfth Anniversary of Li Changji

  • Lu bird

    It refers to sea birds. The language version of Zhuangzi Zhile: "In the past, there were seabirds stopping at the suburbs of Lu, and the marquis of Lu drank from the temple. He played Jiushao for music, and was too firm to eat. The birds were dazzled and worried, and dared not eat a farm, and dared not..."

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