The meaning of Ziwuhua, pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of Ziwu flower

Meridian flower

terms Meridian flower

Related Chinese Characters son zi Noon wu FLOWER hua

Pinyin zǐ wǔ huā 

Basic meaning of Ziwuhua

Meridian flower meaning refined edition

  • The alias of money flower. "The Flower Manual of Guangqunfang · Flower Manual 26 · Money": "Money costs a meridian flower." The History of Flowers "says: 'The flowers open in the afternoon and fall in the afternoon, so it is called the meridian flower."

Disjunctive explanation

son :

◎ Sub z ì Help (1) Word formation suffix. (2) Add after the noun. For example: house; vehicle (3) Append after the morpheme of a verb or adjective. E.g; the fat; Thin person; Mat (4) Individual quantifier suffix (5) See also z ǐ ◎ sub z ǐ Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle

Noon :

◎ Noon Name (1) (Pictograph. Original meaning: Yu Ma Suo) (2) Same as the original meaning [rope that use to manage horse] [The word "Wu" in oracle bone inscriptions] Suspicion should be in the shape of a rope, which can easily control the bridle of a horse—— Guo Moruo's Study of Oracle Bone Characters ...


◎ Flower Remove Name (1) Same as flower (2) General name of plants, trees and flowers All flowers are deleted—— Book of the Han Dynasty: Biography of Zhang Heng. Note: "The ancient flower characters are also deleted. According to the legend, they are all from Huawei." Chrysanthemum is dying in this autumn, and stone is wearing ancient ruts—— Du Fu's Northern Expedition A cluster of dark colors

Chinese words Word formation of children Words in the afternoon Words of flowers

Ziwuhua homophone

Words related to meridian flower
  • Zi 雟

    Bird name. That is, sub gauge. Er Ya · Shi Niao "雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟雟 Jin Guo Pu Note:" Zi 雟雟雟

  • Subwall

    A small wall inside the courtyard. The fourth and second chapters of Outlaws of the Marsh: "It's easy to lead in front of Qingyi. Song Jiang then comes down to the hall. Turning around the corner gate on the first side of the back hall, Qingyi says, 'Star Master Song, come in here.'"

  • Ziling Stream

    That is Ziling Beach. The tenth part of Song Fan Zhongyan's Ten Wonders of Guarding the Tonglu Road: "The dusty day is far away, and the county pillows Ziling Stream." See "Ziling Beach".

  • Seed skin

    Provincial name of Qiyi Zipi. Fan Li. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the people of Chu were once the doctors of Yue who helped Yue destroy Wu. Later, he became rich by trading in Tao, also known as Tao Zhu Gong. Historical Records, King Gou Jian of Yue

  • meridian

    1. It refers to the north and south. The ancients took "Zi" as the north and "Wu" as the south. Tang Suting's Monument of Ximing Temple in Chang'an, Tang Dynasty: "In the middle of Yin and Yang, Coyett stands straight at noon, surrounded by the pavilion, and the hall stands on each floor."

  • Overnoon

    After noon. Xu Hongzu's Travels of Xu Xiake in the Ming Dynasty: Journals of Traveling to Huangshan Mountain: "On the ninth day of the first lunar month, after noon, there will be less postharvest." Wang Tao of the Qing Dynasty's Songbin Narrative: Xianjing: "It's past noon, and I feel the thunder of hunger." Ye Sheng

  • Tingwu

    ◎ Tingwu t í ngw ǔ [noon; midday] noon; At noon, the cart raised dust, and the paths were dark in the pavilions—— Li Bai's Ancient Style

  • morning

    It refers to the period from midnight to noon, and generally refers to the period from morning to noon. The 17th chapter of The Scholars: "I had dinner together in the morning, and then I took out my book to have a look."

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