Yu Wenyong's meaning, pinyin _ red couplet
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Yu Wenyong's Meaning

Yu Wenyong

terms Yu Wenyong

Related Chinese Characters Yu yu writing wen another name for Nanning yong

Pinyin yǔ wén yōng 

Basic meaning of Yu Wenyong

That is, "Emperor Wu of Zhou". Dai Jun was born in Wuchuan (now Inner Mongolia). Xianbei nationality. Yu Wentai's son. After accession to the throne in 560 AD, his cousin Yuwenhu monopolized power. In 572, Yu Wenhu was killed to be in charge. Forbid Buddhism and Taoism, so that a large number of people occupied by the temple can return to secular life and pay taxes to serve the country. In 577, the Northern Qi Dynasty was destroyed, and the Yellow River basin and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River were located. It laid the foundation for the unification of the Sui Dynasty.

Yu Wenyong's meaning refined edition

  • That is, "Emperor Wu of Zhou". Dai Jun was born in Wuchuan (now Inner Mongolia). Xianbei nationality. Yu Wentai's son. After accession to the throne in 560 AD, his cousin Yuwenhu monopolized power. In 572, Yu Wenhu was killed to be in charge. Forbid Buddhism and Taoism, so that a large number of people occupied by the temple can return to secular life and pay taxes to serve the country. In 577, the Northern Qi Dynasty was destroyed, and the Yellow River basin and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River were located. It laid the foundation for the unification of the Sui Dynasty.
  • Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty Yu Wenyong (543-June 21, 578), with the small character of Youluotu, is a Chinese Xianbei nationality, whose ancestral home is Wuchuan (now Wuchuan West, Inner Mongolia), a prefecture of Dai, and was born in Wuxiang, Tongzhou (now Dali, Shaanxi). The fourth son of Yu Wentai, Emperor Wen of Zhou, Yu Wenjue, Emperor Xiaomin of Zhou, and Yu Wenyuyi, Emperor Ming of Zhou, the mother of Queen Wenxuan, Chi Nu (Queen Mother Chi Nu), the third emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, reigned from the second year of Wucheng (560 years) to the first year of Xuanzheng (578 years). Yu Wenyong is smart and farsighted. He is decisive and resourceful. In April of the second year of Wucheng (560 years), under the support of Yuwenhu, he was the emperor. In the first year of Jiande (572), he finally killed Quanxiangyu Wenhu and took charge of the government. Later, it continued to implement the system of equalizing land, improved and developed the system of government troops, took back the command of government troops from the military offices of the Chinese and foreign capitals to the emperor, and began to recruit farmers from the household of equalizing land to serve as government troops, expand the source of troops, enrich the military force, and prepare to annex the Northern Qi Dynasty. In October of the fifth year of Jiande (576), he led the army to attack Qi in seven ways. In the first month of the sixth year of Jiande (577), he led the army to seize the victory and encircle Ye, captured the father and son of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and destroyed the Northern Qi Dynasty. During the reign of Yu Wenyong, he got rid of the old customs. Rectification of the administration of officials made the Northern Zhou Dynasty politically clear, the people's life stable and the country powerful. Yu Wenyong lived a simple life and was able to care about folk sufferings in a timely manner. In the May of the first year of Xuanzheng (578), Emperor Wu of Zhou led all the armies to attack Turks, advancing in all five directions. The army was ordered to stop because of illness. In June, he became seriously ill and returned to the army commander. He died that month at the age of 36. The posthumous title is Emperor Wu, the temple is Emperor Gaozu, the tomb is Xiaoling, and the eldest son is passed on to Yuwenyun.

Disjunctive explanation

Yu :

◎ Yuy Name (1) (Pictophonetic sound. From Yao (mi á n) to Yu Sheng. "Yao" means house. Original meaning: eaves) (2) Same as the original meaning [eats] Yu, beside the house—— Shuowen Yu, eaves also—— The Sound and Meaning of All Classics cited Shuowen Upper building and lower building

writing :

◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Chapter Five

another name for Nanning :

◎ Yong Name (1) (Understanding. From Sichuan, from the city. The water (Sichuan) besieges the city. Original meaning: a city surrounded by water) (2) Same as the original meaning of [city surrounded by waters] (3) Ancient place name, namely Yongzhou [Yong

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Chinese words Yu's words Word formation of Wen Yong's words

Yu Wenyong Homonym

Yu Wenyong related words
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  • Yu Wenyong

    That is, "Emperor Wu of Zhou". Dai Jun was born in Wuchuan (now Inner Mongolia). Xianbei nationality. Yu Wentai's son. After accession to the throne in 560 AD, his cousin Yuwenhu monopolized power. In 572, Yu Wenhu was killed to be in charge. Ban Buddhism and Taoism, and make the temple occupy

  • Aerospace

    ◎ Aerospace navigation; astronautics. The man-made earth satellite

  • Cosmic space

    The space beyond the earth's atmosphere. Also called outer space.

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  • Homograph

    See "Same Text".

  • Paragraph

    Refers to the side of a character. "Zhuzi Yulei", Volume 139: "He Fu immediately recited it aloud and enjoyed it. He Fu immediately withdrew and asked how to recognize many characters. He Fu said, 'I am just reading a passage.'"

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