The meaning of indomitable, pinyin _ red couplet
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It means indomitable


terms slow-witted

Related Chinese Characters Hell ming Obstinate wan no bu spirit ling

Pinyin míng wán bù líng

Basic meaning of indomitable


  • Ignorant and stubborn. Tang Hanyu's "Sacrifice to Crocodile": "Otherwise, it is the crocodile who is indomitable. Although the governor has something to say, he doesn't know it." Ming Zhongxing's "Observation with the High Boy": "If you speak out in a frank way, you are also a mother-in-law, so you have to be indomitable." Lu Xun's "Three Leisure Stories: My Attitude, Tolerance and Age": "I'm afraid that because I'm 'indomitable', I have to use it. ”Liu Bannong's "Answering Mr.": "Although I am indomitable, I think it is too much to steal."
  • Stupid and stubborn without spirituality. [Sentence] It's really difficult to coach such stubborn children.
  • Stupid and stubborn without spirituality. Tang. Han Yu's "Sacrifice to Crocodile": "Otherwise, the crocodile is indomitable. Although the governor has spoken, he does not know what he has heard."
  • 03. The Marriage Story of Awakening the World, Chapter 39: "This man seems to be indomitable, and he doesn't know the master's good will."
  • 02. The Qing Dynasty. He Bange's "The Nightmare Record", Vol. 4. Zhou Yan: "I would rather do something evil when I come here? The public will become a stranger, so we should help each other. How can we be so stubborn that we can't do it!"
  • 01. Tang and Han Yu's "Offering Sacrifice to Crocodiles": "Today we have an agreement with the crocodiles: for three days, they will lead the ugly people to move south to avoid the emperor's order. Three days cannot come to five days, five days cannot come to seven days, seven days cannot come, and they will not move at all. They will not listen to the words of the assassin. Otherwise, they will be stubborn. Although the assassin has words, he will not hear them." (Source)
  • The definition is stupid, stubborn and not psychic. The language comes from Tang Dynasty and Han Yu's "Sacrifice to Crocodile". △ "Stubbornness" is typical of the Tang Dynasty. Han Yu's "Offering crocodile sacrifices" (cited in "The Complete Tang Dynasty, Vol. 568, Han Yu"). In the Chaozhou, the sea is in the south, the whale and roc are big, and the shrimp and crab are small. They can't go back. They live to eat, and the crocodile comes from dawn to dusk. Today, I made an agreement with the crocodile: after three days, he led the ugly people to move south to the sea to avoid the emperor's order. Three days can't reach five days, five days can't reach seven days, seven days can't, it is not willing to move, there is no governor to listen to his words; Otherwise, the crocodile is indomitable. Although the governor speaks, he doesn't know what he hears. He is proud of the officials ordered by the Son of Heaven. He does not listen to his words and does not move to avoid them; And those who are indomitable and are victims of people's property can be killed. The assassins selected the materials and skilled officials and people, wielded powerful bows and poison arrows to engage with crocodiles, and would kill them all. No regrets! (1) Ugly: Crocodile. (2) Ordered officials: officials appointed by the Son of Heaven. (3) Governor: official name. In ancient times, the officer in charge of local pickets was later called the local magistrate. The allusion shows that when Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty was appointed governor of Chaozhou, Han Yu was demoted because he advised the emperor not to welcome the Buddha's bones. After arriving in Chaozhou, Han Yu cared about the sufferings of the people and was deeply loved by the people. At that time, the crocodiles in Chaozhou were harming people and animals. When Han Yu learned about it, he wrote an article titled "Offering Sacrifice to Crocodiles", listing the crimes of crocodiles against the people, telling them that their behavior has harmed the people, and urging them to move now. If the appointed time is up and the crocodiles still haven't moved, it proves that they are indomitable. Han Yu will send a large number of people and horses to kill the crocodiles with powerful bows and poison arrows. It is said that a few days later, the crocodiles will move away collectively, and there will be no crocodiles in Chaozhou. Later, "indomitable" was used to refer to ignorance, stubbornness and lack of spirituality. Documentary evidence

Disjunctive explanation

Hell :

◎ m í ng Shape (1) (Understanding. Small seal character, from the sun, from the six, sound (m ì). The sun, the sun, dozens of days, 16 days and the moon began to wane, dark also. Original meaning: dim) (2) Same as the original meaning [dark; obscure; dim] Hell, secluded—— Say

Obstinate :

◎ Persistence W á n Name (1) (Pictophonetic. From the page (xi é), Yuan Sheng. From page. Original meaning: bolted wood that is difficult to split) (2) Same as the original meaning [log split difficultly] The twigs are not rustling, and the stubbornly dry air is abrupt—— Painted Pine by Tang Yuanzhen

no :

◎ No Vice (1) (Pictograph. It is in the shape of an oracle bone inscription, which looks like a pedicel ovary on the top and a pendulous stamen on the bottom. ① Original meaning: calyx foot. Poetry · Xiaoya · Changdi: "Changdi is the flower of Changdi, and Hubei is not the Wei." Zheng Jian: "The successor of China is called Hubei." ② Adverb. no Xunzi:

spirit :

◎ Spirit Ling l í ng Name (1) (Form sound. From the witch, the spirit (l í ng) sound. Original meaning: Wu) (2) In ancient times, Chu people called dancing witch; sorceress Spirit, spirit and sorcery. Use jade to serve God—— Shuowen ...

Chinese words The word combination of "Ming" Obstinate words No words Ling's word formation

Near synonym for indomitable

The opposite of indomitable

Indomitable homonym

Stubborn related words
  • To be destitute

    Still retired. "Xunzi · Zhengming": "If you say no, then you will be white and poor." Wang Xianqian quoted Yu Yue as saying: "Poor, you should read it as a bow. Those who are white and bow in the dark will understand their way and hide their body. The ancient poor and bow

  • Cry

    Devote yourself to exploration. Qu Qiubai's Hungry Village Chronicle 11: "So I decided to pay more attention to my own purpose of seeking answers to life questions."

  • paper money to be burned for the dead

    It refers to burning paper money for dead people. The funeral ceremony of Ye Huo Bian, Lie Chao, Da Xing, written by Shen De in the Ming Dynasty, said: "Since the Tang and Song dynasties, we have been together for a long time, but the most useless thing is the dark acid."

  • Dark Awakening

    God helps, God gives. "The Book of the Liang Dynasty - Part II of Emperor Wu": "There are many lack of political principles, and the purity has not yet been consolidated. Why should we look up to Ye Chenhe and reach the furthest point of enlightenment?" The "Ode to the Soul Spring" by King Luo Bin of Tang Dynasty: "If you are not sincere, you should be pure minded and selfless

  • Proud and stubborn

    Arrogant and stubborn. Tang Yuanzhen's Sixteen Rhymes of Remuneration to Li Xianggong in Dongchuan: "Honesty and taboo, science punishes arrogance and obstinacy."

  • Stubborn Laozi

    A stupid, slow old man. It is often used as self mockery and self modesty. The History of the New Five Dynasties · Miscellaneous Biography 16 · Feng Dao: "De Guang blames the Tao for Jin's failure, and the Tao cannot be right. He also asks, 'Why come to the court?' Right

  • Weariness and obstinacy

    Tired and languid. Song Fanchengda wrote a poem "Under the Bamboo in the Morning": "When the morning dress is over, Xiao Han is broken, and the conversation across the saddle is tiresome and stubborn."

  • Sa Wan

    Unbridled; Have fun at will. Yuan Qiaoji's divertimento "Xingxiangzi · Tiqing": "I am used to throwing tenacity in red powder, not like today." Yuan Tang's divertimento "A flower · Farewell to Wenqing's seclusion": "An Le Wo goes with fate to spend the evening

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