Meaning of "buy", pinyin _ red couplet
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Meaning of buy


terms Buyer

Related Chinese Characters buy mai Na na

Pinyin mǎi nà 

Basic meaning of purchase

Refined edition of meaning of purchase

  • requisition. The History of the Song Dynasty, Records of Food and Goods (II): "The number of people who cook salt in the pavilion is more than that of the old."

Disjunctive explanation

buy :

◎ Buy Buy m ǎ i Moving (1) (Comprehension. Xiaozhuan shaped, from the net shell. "Net" is to receive, "shell" is to buy goods. Together, it means to buy goods. Original meaning: buy, buy) (2) Same as [purchase; buy] Buy, market also—— Shuowen Please

Na :

◎ Na Nana à Moving (1) (Pictophonetic. Cong Zhi (m ì), internal sound. Original meaning: silk quilt soaked in water) (2) Same as the original meaning [wet; soak] Na, Si Shi Na also—— Shuowen Yi Na Na and cover up—— Liu Xiang's "Nine Sighs - Confrontation" (3) Another example: Nana (

Chinese words Words for Buying Na's words

Homonym of the word "maina"

Buying related words
  • Buy faint

    By means of wealth and goods, union is a marriage relationship. Faint, the ancient word for "marriage". The New Book of the Tang Dynasty · Biography of Gao Jian: "Today, counselor Lao Chen decides the world from me with loyalty and filial piety. How can he accommodate the old door, be honest, and be proud to buy faint

  • Buy dial

    It was bought by Juyan. In the fourth chapter of Zheng Guangzu's "Qian Nv Leaves the Soul" of the Yuan Dynasty, "According to the nature of Cai Lang, there is nothing wrong with buying wisdom from heaven."

  • Buying Road

    Youmai Road. The Book of Rites, Under the Sandal Bow: "Ji Zigao buried his wife, who was a prisoner. Shen Xiang told him, 'Please Geng Zhi.' Zigao said, 'Mencius does not regard it as a sin, his friends do not regard it as a rejection, but I do

  • Buying taxes

    The preface to Sima Xiangru's Ode to Changmen in the Han Dynasty: "Empress Chen, the filial emperor, was lucky and envious. Don't be depressed and sad in Changmen Palace. When hearing that Sima Xiangru in Chengdu, Shujun, works for the world, he presents gold

  • Assistance

    Promotional acceptance. The Book of Han · The Biography of Kong Guang: "Put far away the slanderous party, and help to accept the broken intermediary."

  • Tiena

    It refers to payment of subsidies (interest money). Song Sushi's "Four Facts on Meeting the Imperial edict": "In addition to those who have already bought and delivered the business, and specially give them to those who are not yet enough, allow them to accept the purchase and redemption, which is still not limited to years." Song History · Food and Goods Annals II: "It's time

  • Private acceptance

    It is still private. "Song History · Gao Zongji I": "Hong Chu and others sit around the city and steal gold and silver, and privately accept palace people. Chu and Yu Dajun, Chen Chongdai died, and the other five people on Liusha Gate Island were guilty of crimes."

  • Aggregation

    Gather bribes. The Southern History · Biography of Xiao Si: "I thought that the internal history of Yu Zhang was collected wantonly, so I heard the voice of greed and violence in the county." Volume II of Chen Jiru's Pearl Boat in the Ming Dynasty: "Xue Ji is not strict and clean, and keeps

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