Understand the meaning of "Ran Yu Xin", Pinyin _ Red Couplet
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Related Chinese Characters Has liao however ran to yu heart xin

Pinyin liǎo rán yú xīn

Understand the basic meaning of the heart

Clear: understand and understand. I know very well.

Jingran Yuxin Refined Edition

  • Clear: understand and understand. I know very well.

Disjunctive explanation

Has :

◎ Li ǎ o Moving (1) (Pictograph. Congzi has no arms. Xiaozhuan characters are like babies binding their arms. Newborn babies often bind their arms. Original meaning: binding their arms) (2) Hand bending Yes, kicking. Congzi has no arms

however :

◎ Ran Moving (1) (Comprehension and shape sound. Lower form, upper voice. Four points are the deformation of fire. The sound sign reads y à n, which means dog meat. Next, add fire to roast dog meat. Original meaning: burning) (2) Same as the original meaning. "Ran" is the original word of "burn" [burn] However, it also burns—— Say

to :

◎ Yu Yu ú Moving (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription, indicating that the breath is blocked and still crosses. Original meaning: more than) (2) To; Go When a son returns home, he should have his own family—— Poetry · Zhounan · Taoyao. Mao Chuan: "Yu, Xiang also." To the Ershu State to fight against Yin, Bu Bochen

heart :

◎ Heart x ī n Name (1) (Pictograph. According to the oracle bone inscriptions and the small seal script, the middle is like the heart; the outside is like the envelope of the heart. Original meaning: heart) (2) Same as heart The heart is also the heart. In the body, pictograph—— Shuowen. Press, under the lung, above the diaphragm, touch the fifth vertebra of the spine

Chinese words Word formation of Ran words Words of Word formation of heart

Clear homophone

Words related to understanding
  • Righteousness

    Buddhist language. The true meaning is the most complete meaning. For "no righteousness". The Stele of Tou Temple written by King Zhong of Liang in the Southern Dynasty: "The golden treasure is always at ease; when you are mindful of righteousness, you will end up visiting the fair." Tang Zongmi

  • To my surprise

    Close, close. It also refers to death. On the volume of Tang Liuwen's "Jiahua of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", "Xiongxin stopped at the bridle. Gu laughed and said, 'Hu Er is not your destiny

  • Inferior

    to end. It refers to death. The seventeenth chapter of Journey to the West: "This strange thing is called self confessed. That strange thing made him worse today."

  • End

    ◎ Li ǎ oqu è [settle; solve]; Take care of it. That's all I have to worry about

  • If so

    Be pleasant to look at. "Yizhoushu Official": "Pleasure still comes out, anger is recommended but insulted, lust is like pleasure."

  • surprise attack

    1. Military terms. Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to launch a quick attack. Mao Zedong's "Strategic Issues in the Chinese Revolutionary War", Chapter 5, Section 6: "In order to break the attack of a superior enemy, guerrillas or small detachments

  • Blindness

    Still at a loss. It describes ignorance. Sun Yat sen's True Meaning of Advocating People's Livelihood: "However, the reason why they said this is because they don't know what people's Livelihood is, so they are blindly against it." Qu Qiubai's "A History of Hungry Hometown

  • confusedly

    Unknown appearance. The Ninth Book of the Yuan Dynasty by Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty: "The servant thinks about himself again. A man in Guandong is ignorant except for reading the text." The Ming History · Biography of Jiang Qin: "The voice of sorrow and sigh moves through the world, Your Majesty

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