Meaning of interest, pinyin _ red couplet
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Meaning of interest


terms Interests

Related Chinese Characters benefit li harm hai

Pinyin lì hài 

Basic meaning of interest

◎ Interest
(1) [relationship]: relationship; Stake
What's wrong with your brother Juqing not coming? Why cry like death—— Qing Pingshan Hall Tales
(2) [disaster; curve]: disaster
Immortal said three times and five times: "This hall can't be opened for fear of causing harm and hurting people." - "Outlaws of the Marsh"
(3) [gains and losses]: good aspects and bad aspects
◎ Interest
(1) [fierce; terrible]: ferocious; violent
That dog is really tough
(2) [devosting]: It's difficult to deal with
This is a good hand

Interest Refined Edition

  • 1. Interests and damages. The Second Part of the Book of Changes: "Feeling falsely and feeling each other is beneficial to life." Han Kangbo notes: "Feeling to feel things is beneficial, and pretending to feel things is harmful." "Records of the Historian · Biographies of Guice": "Prophets are beneficial, and we can observe the misfortunes and blessings." Song Wuzeng's "Can Change Zhai Man Lu · Facts": "Let him see the benefits and disasters personally, and then dare to play Chen." Kang Zhuo's "Dongfanghong" Chapter 12 3: "Because the project is not small and the staff is limited, a group of strong labor has come to several villages near the Hanlong Terrace that have a stake in the dike." 2 It refers to the convenience and danger of the situation. Han Feizi, First Meeting the Qin Dynasty: "The Qin Dynasty commands rewards and punishments, and the terrain is so advantageous that there is no one like him in the world." 3 fierce. The first part of the fifth book of West Chamber by Wang Shifu of the Yuan Dynasty: "I've been unhappy in the past, so I can take it easy. It's not like this Qing Dynasty has been greatly reduced." The Ninth Session: "At the moment, my water just splashed on his sedan chair and didn't wet his body, so he beat me so hard!" Yu Dafu's "Class Struggle in Literature" IV: "They attacked the property and power class that sheltered traditional ideas especially hard."
  • ◎ Interest: relationship; Why is your brother Juqing not coming? Why cry like death—— The Story Book of Pingshan Hall in Qing Dynasty (2) [disaster; race]: The evil Immortal said three or five times: "This hall can't be opened, for fear of causing harm, which will hurt people." - The Water Margin (3) [gains and losses]: regardless of good and bad aspects ◎ interest l hai (1) [fierce; terrible]: evil; That fierce dog is really tough (2) [devisting]
  • Advantages and disadvantages. It is a compound word with partial meaning, which means harm. [Sentence] He is so ignorant that he dares to contradict his boss!
  • Benefits and damages. [Sentence] This is his decision after weighing his interests. Let's not worry about him anymore.
  • Relationship. "Qing Pingshan Hall Tales. Fan Zhang's Millet in Death and Life": "Your brother Ju Qing is not coming. What's so bad about that? Why cry like death?"
  • Benefits and damages. "Zhou Li, Xia Guan, Mountain Master": "The mountain master controls the name of the mountain forest and distinguishes its objects from its interests."
  • Strong and strong. "A Brief History of Civilization, Chapter 40": "It's really good! Brother Xiaoshan's profound knowledge can't resist a girl. I think Chinese women's brains are better than men's!" It is also called "powerful".
  • Serious. Yuan Dynasty. Wang Shifu's "The West Chamber, Book Five, First Fold": "I used to be unhappy, so I can take it easy. It's not like this clean-up." It is also called "fierce".

Disjunctive explanation

benefit :

◎ Li Shape (1) (Comprehension. From the sword, from the grain. It means to break the grain with the sword. Original meaning: the sword is sharp and the edge is fast.) (2) Same as the original meaning [sharp; exert oneself;try hard] Li Xian also—— Shuowen Its advantages cut through gold

harm :

◎ Harmful h é Vice (1) Pass "Hog". Why not No harm to the king goes against the divination—— Shu Da Gao I will not pollute my clothes, nor harm my parents—— Poetry · Zhou Nan · Ge Qin In time of death, let your daughter die with you—— Mencius, King Hui of Liang

Use Scenarios

  • The whole body aches and the limbs are stiff. What medicine should be taken to treat the pain first
  • What is the meaning of "interest"
  • Stakeholders in civil law
  • Definition of interest
  • Stakeholders of bills
  • Interested parties
  • Stakeholders in criminal cases
  • What are trademark stakeholders
  • Be considerate of personal gains and losses
  • Read without shifting interests
  • Project stakeholders
  • The interest of female ligation on the body
  • Is Shandong Fanzi good
  • Who Is at stake in Boxing vs Comprehensive Fighting
  • Who is at stake between a lioness and a tigress
  • Stakeholders of Property Law
  • What is the significance of Robinson's Table of Differences of Interest
  • Who is at stake between Yang Zhi and Hu Yanzhuo
  • It's a big problem for our national project
  • It's hard to breathe up the stairs

Chinese words Li's words Word formation of harm


Homonym of interest fierce Caspian Sea Dissociation injury Chestnut horror

Beneficial words
  • Eyesore

    Refers to the sun. Selected Works, Lu Ji, 13: "When I hear the good news, I can't look down on the clouds." Lv Xiang notes: "The sky has the sun and the moon, just like people have eyes, so I use the sun as my good eye, which is a metaphor for the king."

  • Benefit and yuk

    Benefits of Nurturing. "History of the Song Dynasty · Music Records 12": "The country is responsible for hundreds of grains, and benefits Yu but is equal."

  • Waste

    That's the shoe. The thin soled shoes with small and pointed heads are decorated with beads and patterns. "Records of the Historian: Biographies of the Pilgrims": "Today's husband and daughter, Zheng Ji, are described as" playing the zither, admiring the long clothes, and tiptoeing the shoes. "Wang Anshi of the Song Dynasty wrote" Farewell to Cheng

  • Promoting fire

    1. It represents a strong desire for profit. Ming Liu Ji's poem, "There is a tree in the mountain, and a gift for the prince": "Burn in the fire, slander out of the soldiers." 2 Still powerful, imposing. Wang Wenshi's Snow Night · Mi Yanxia: "You

  • disaster

    ◎ Disasters: natural disasters caused by drought, waterlogging, insects, hail, war, plague, etc

  • Sand disaster

    ◎ Sand hazard

  • kill

    ◎ Kill sh à h à i (1) [kill]: kill and kill innocent people (2) [murder]: kill and be killed

  • Engrave harm

    1. Bitterness and cruelty. The History of the Han Dynasty, The Biography of Yang Yun: "Yun crushes his way of governing, but also has the nature to carve out evils, so that people are prone to shade." The Northern History, The Biography of Cruel Officials, Li Hongzhi: "The sound of carving evils is heard in the court and the countryside." 2 Damage; Invade

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