The meaning of empty nature, pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of emptiness


terms Emptiness

Related Chinese Characters empty kong however ran

Pinyin kōng rán 

Basic meaning of empty nature

Jingran Refined Edition

  • 1. Empty appearance. "Chuang Tzu's Journey to the North": "It's not fair to ask questions, but it depends on its appearance. Yao Ran is empty, looking at it all the time, but not seeing it, hearing it, but not hearing it, and fighting for it, but not being able to do so." 2 In vain. Tang Hanyu's "Cherries for Hundred Officials from the Xuanzheng Yamen outside the Ministry of Water": "After eating, I know I have nothing to report, and I empty my sweat and look up at the emperor and close the door." The second poem of He Jingming's "Mourning for Yun Gongfu" in the Ming Dynasty: "The Ballad of White Head" in my life, empty and sad. "

Disjunctive explanation

empty :

◎ Empty Name (1) (Pictophoney. From the cave, working sound. Original meaning: hole, hole) (2) Same as the original meaning. Through "Hole" [hole; cave] But Qian dug the hole—— The Book of the Han Dynasty, The Biography of Zhang Qian The clothes are empty again—— Hanshu Bao Publicity Empty caves make a city—— Han

however :

◎ Ran Moving (1) (Comprehension and shape sound. Lower form, upper voice. Four points are the deformation of fire. The sound sign reads y à n, which means dog meat. Next, add fire to roast dog meat. Original meaning: burning) (2) Same as the original meaning. "Ran" is the original word of "burn" [burn] However, it also burns—— Say

Chinese words Empty words Ran words

Empty homonym 硿 Ran

Empty and natural related words
  • Air conditioner

    It is called "air conditioner".

  • Empty labour

    Futility; waste. Former Shu Niu Xiji's poem "Immortals by the River" (6): "There is no reason for the palace of water essence. Empty labor, slim hands, and Xie Pei give gifts to lovers." The poem "Jinling Palace Museum" by Xu Gui of the Ming Dynasty: "The hall left by the previous dynasty was closed to dust, and was scattered

  • Empty Immortal

    Buddhism refers to immortals who can walk in the void. Volume 8 of the Shurangama Sutra: "Be firm and stop moving without rest. The Qi essence is rounded up and is called the Immortal of the Empty Line."

  • Empty lane

    1. A desolate place. They often describe the scene after war and famine. Tang Dufu's poem "No Family Farewell": "After a long walk, you will see empty alleys, and the days will be thin and miserable." 2 It means that residents pour out of the alley. Song Chenkuo's Dream Stream

  • be completely bared there and then

    ◎ Make it clear: clear; Uncover: hold high. Zhuang

  • Wanran

    The water is curved. Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty, in his Preface to Accompanying Ambassador Cui of Yongzhou to Visit and Feast at the South Pond, said: "In the south of Lingling City, there are a group of mountains around it, and the foot of the forest extends. The committee of the cliffs and valleys is like a pool, and the bay is like a stream."

  • Natural color

    Discolored appearance. "The Legend of the Ram · Six Years of Ai Gong": "When all the officials saw it, they were all shocked." He Xiu's note: "The appearance was natural, and the appearance was horrified." "The Confucian Family Sayings · Zhenglun Interpretation": "Ji Sun became enlightened and said: 'My sincerity has not yet reached

  • absolutely still

    It describes loneliness without a sound.

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