Meaning of wine bait, pinyin _ red couplet
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Meaning of wine bait

Wine bait

terms Wine bait

Related Chinese Characters Alcohol jiu bait er

Pinyin jiǔ ěr 

Basic meaning of wine bait

Wine bait refined version

  • Wine and food. Qingmei Zengliang's "Family Biography of Ai Fanglai": "My husband is fond of medicine, and those who come here also use wine bait. People in the village all say that children are kind, and they like to talk about children."

Disjunctive explanation

Alcohol :

◎ Wine Name (1) (Understanding. From water, from unitary (Y ǒ u). The original meaning of "You" is wine. "You" is also a symbol of pronunciation. Original meaning: a beverage fermented with sorghum, barley, rice, grapes or other fruits) (2) Same as the original meaning of [liquor; wine; spiri

bait :

◎ Bait Bait Name (1) (Shape sound. From food to ear sound. Original meaning: cake) (2) Same as the original meaning [cake; pastry] Bait and powder cake—— Shuowen Fish glue bait—— The Record of Examining Workers - Bowman (3) Another example: fruit bait (fruit cake) (4) Fishing with

Chinese words Words of wine The word formation of bait

Wine bait homonym nine two Chirp ear Grab Ear correction

Words related to wine bait
  • Tavern

    A hotel with a balcony. Tang Zhang said in the poem "Having a heart with Wang Zhengjun in Hunan": "It is not necessary to open a book, but it is better to go to a restaurant." Tang Huangfusong's "Da Yin Fu": "When you learn to enter a butcher's shop, you can visit a restaurant in spring." Quanyuan Sanqu

  • Alcoholic woman

    A woman who sells alcohol. Zhang Bi of the Southern Tang Dynasty, in "The Story of Makeup Building - Stealing Writing", said: "Women are the women who drink in the Chen market."

  • Alcoholic vice

    Medium wine. Drink too much wine and feel unwell. In the words of Huanxi Sand written by Li Yu of the Southern Tang Dynasty, "When wine is bad, you can pick flowers and smell the buds."

  • Wine wind

    1. Disease name. "Su Wen · Theory of Disease Energy": "The emperor said: 'Good! The body of a sick person is hot, sweating is like a bath, and the wind of evil is lack of qi. Why is this disease?' Qi Bo said: 'The disease is called wine wind.'" Wang Bing noted: "Drinking

  • Needle bait

    Acupuncture and medicine. Qingbao Photon's "Wu Yao Zhi, Beast, Fox": "At the beginning, Ren's family became more and more fond of slaves and became ill, and the bait was not reduced. His mother was very good at worrying."

  • Five baits

    "Hanshu · Jia Yi's Praise": "If you want to test your country, you should use five baits and three watches to make it simple, and the reason for its skill is sparse." Yan Shigu's note: "Give it a good dress, a car, a bad eye; give it a good taste of food, a bad mouth; give it music

  • Drop bait

    1. Still fishing. Jin Panyue's "Ode to the Western Expedition": "I watched the drum and the horse return to the wheel, cast the net, drop the bait in and out, and make the fork come and go." 2 The bait on the hook. The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, The Biography of Yang Wan: "The man is a worm

  • Embarrassing bait

    1. Food made by stir frying rice and wheat and mashing powder. The Rites of the Zhou Dynasty, Tianguan, Nong Ren: "It's shameful to speak of the real thing, such as embarrassing bait and powdered glutinous rice." Zheng Xuan's note: "These two things (embarrassing bait and powdered rice) are all done by powdered rice and millet

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