Meaning of Jinwen Shangshu, Pinyin _ Red Couplet
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Meaning of Jinwen Shangshu

Book of History

terms Book of History

Related Chinese Characters this jin writing wen still shang book shu

Pinyin jīn wén shàng shū

Basic meaning of Jinwen Shangshu

Jinwen Shangshu Refined Edition

  • It is one of the Confucian classics Shangshu. The ancient Shangshu was burned by Qin Dynasty and lost. Twenty nine biographies of Dr. Qin Fu Sheng in the early Han Dynasty. Later scholars gave and received each other, including Xiahou, Xiaohou and Ouyang. It is called Jinwen Shangshu because it is written in Han script, which is different from the ancient Shangshu. It is a compilation of ancient Chinese historical documents and some works on tracing ancient deeds. Liu Zhiji of the Tang Dynasty, "Shi Tong, Ancient and Modern Official History": "Wang Su also notes the modern text" Shang Shu ", which is similar to the ancient text and Confucius."
  • title. It was handed down by students in the early Han Dynasty, and was orally taught to write in Han script. Twenty nine. The ancient Shangshu was burned by the Qin Dynasty and lost. The Shangshu written in Han Li is different from the ancient Shangshu, so it is called Jinwen Shangshu. It is a compilation of ancient Chinese historical documents and some works that trace back to ancient deeds.

Disjunctive explanation

this :

◎ Today Name (1) (j í). Original meaning: now) (2) Same as the present Today is the time—— Shuowen Today is the time to say goodbye—— Cangjie Chapter Now and now—— Poem · Zhaonan · Ku You Mei On

writing :

◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Chapter Five

still :

◎ Shang à ng Vice (1) (Understanding. From eight to sound. Original meaning: still) (2) Same as original meaning [still; yet; even] Shang, Zeng also—— Shuowen Nothing has been done yet—— Poetry, Wang Feng, Love Free (3) And It has not been built yet. Still looking for his female

book :

◎ Book Book Moving (1) (Pictophoney. From Yu, you can see the sound. Yu (y ù) is the pen. The "person" in Lishu Province became "Yue". Shuowen: "Books are also chopsticks." The chopsticks (works) are obvious. When combined, it means that the pen makes the characters obvious. "Zhe, chopsticks" sound close, so "Zhe" has an ideographic effect. Original meaning:

Chinese words Words of today Word formation of Wen Shangde Group Words Word formation of books

Homonyms of Jinwen Shangshu

Words related to Jinwen Shangshu
  • henceforth

    ◎ The future generation (1) [future]: the future generation (2) [from now on]: after that; From now on, I will look after her

  • Today

    ◎ Today

  • Modern scholar

    Modern people. Tang Hanyu's "Poems in Autumn" (VIII): "The author is not a scholar today, but he has gone thousands of times."

  • this present life

    this life. It is the year of life. Qing Hongsheng's "Hall of Longevity - Resumption": "In this life, we can no longer look at the sky." The second act of Hong Shen's "Little Grandma's Fan": "But in this life, I can hardly look at myself

  • Below

    ◎ The following xi à w é n (1) [what follows in the passage]: refers to a paragraph or a sentence in the article

  • Refutation

    Old official documents that were not allowed to refute subordinates' submissions. Chapter 13 of the Ba people's Rebellion by Mang Xiucai: "Fu Zhixian heard the 'North Gate' as a 'refutation', and cried out, 'What refutation is coming? Come on, let's

  • historian

    (1893-1969) Historian. From Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Graduated from Peking University. He has taught in Nankai University, Peking University, etc. Arrived in Yan'an in 1940, he was the first editor of the Compendium of General History of China

  • Inscriptions

    1. Engraving articles. In the Ming Dynasty Shende Fu's "Ye Huo Bian · Ke Chang · Hui Yan En Wen", "Hui Yan En Wen, who will record and engrave texts first, will not stick to the pattern. For example, in the second year of Chenghua, three texts will be engraved on each of the five classics, and the second scene will be an imperial edict." 2

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