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The meaning of oracle bone inscriptions


terms Oracle

Related Chinese Characters nail jia bone gu writing wen

Pinyin jiǎ gǔ wén 

Basic meaning of oracle bone inscriptions

◎ Oracle
[inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty [16th-11th century B.C.] The inscriptions on tortoise shells and animal bones in the Yin and Zhou dynasties are mostly divination records. Today's Chinese characters evolved from oracle bone inscriptions

Oracle Bone Inscriptions

  • One of the ancient Chinese characters. Yan people used tortoise shells and animal bones for divination, and carved the contents of divination next to the oracle bones in the calligraphy at that time. This kind of writing has a history of more than 3000 years, and is called oracle bone inscriptions. It was discovered in Anyang, Henan Province in the late Qing Dynasty. In 1899, Wang Yirong was identified as a collection of Yin Shang characters. It has become an independent discipline after the research of scholars in the late Qing Dynasty and modern times. Up to now, more than 100000 pieces of oracle bones and about 4500 characters have been found, one third of which are known by scholars. Its basic font structure is consistent with that of later Chinese characters, and it is an earlier style of Chinese characters. Guo Moruo's Collection of the Past and the Present: On Ancient Society: "The Yin Dynasty was quite primitive, and had a deep belief in ghosts and gods. When it came to a matter, it asked the gods about divination, and more importantly, it obtained divination. The book was engraved on the cow's scapula or tortoise shell, so it was called Oracle Bone Inscriptions. Oracle Bone Inscriptions, like official documents, had a certain format. The content was probably sacrifice, hunting, wind and rain, war, disease, and so on."
  • ◎ Oracle bone inscriptions ji ǎǔǔǔǔǔǔǔǔǔǔǔǔ n [inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty [16th-11th century B.C.] Inscriptions carved on tortoise shells and animal bones in the Yin and Zhou dynasties are mostly divination records. Today's Chinese characters evolved from oracle bone inscriptions
  • Oracle bone inscriptions are inscriptions inscribed on tortoise shells or cattle bones in the late Yin Dynasty, also known as Yin Xu oracle inscriptions, Yin Ruins deeds, Zhen Bu characters, and deeds, which are the earliest existing characters with historical significance. In the 25th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1899), in Xiaotun Village, Anyang County, Henan Province, farmers accidentally unearthed tortoise shells and cow bones inscribed with characters during farming. Later, Fan Shouxuan, an antique merchant, took them to Tianjin to sell them to Wang Xiang and Meng Dingsheng, and to Beijing to sell them to Wang Yirong, the son of the Imperial College. Wang's family committed suicide and died in the battle of the Eight Kingdoms Allied Forces the next year. Most of his oracle bones belonged to Liu Xuan. In 1903, Liu Xuan, encouraged by Luo Zhenyu, selected 1058 pieces and printed the first book of oracle bone inscriptions [Tie Yun Cang Gui] by lithography, When this book was published, the world first knew that there were oracle bone inscriptions, and Sun Yirang wrote his first book on oracle bone inscriptions in 1904 based on [Tie Yun Canggui]. The Xiaotun Yin Ruins were excavated privately by early farmers. Since 1928, the Institute of History and Language of the Central Academy of Sciences has made 15 scientific excavations. After 1949, the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has continued to excavate. So far, about 100000 pieces of oracle bones have been unearthed. Recently, [Collection of Oracle Bones] was published in 1982 on the mainland. It was edited by Guo Moruo and edited by Hu Houxuan. It received a total of 41956 pieces of Oracle Bones, which is the most complete record of Oracle Bones at present. Oracle bone inscriptions are records of divination. Their contents are quite diverse, but they can be roughly divided into the following six categories: (1) Sacrifice: sacrifice to ancestors and natural gods, such as the state, rivers and mountains, for survival. (2) Expedition: war, peace and other negotiations with other countries. (3) Weather time: wind, rain, water, weather change, solar eclipse, etc. (4) Wang Shi: Field hunting, travel, disease, birth, etc. (5) Year achievement: whether the harvest is related to farming. (6) Xunxi: Ask about the good or bad fortune of the coming ten days this evening. According to the number of characters in the inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty (1965, Beijing edition), there are 4672 characters, of which 1723 can be assigned, and most of the meanings are still incomprehensible. However, it is of great significance in philology, because since the Han Dynasty, the six principles and six books of character structure described by Xu Shen's [Shuowen Jiezi] have all been available in oracle bone inscriptions, so it can be inferred that Chinese characters had a long history before forming oracle bone inscriptions. In 1979, more than 17000 pieces of oracle bones of the Zhou Dynasty were unearthed in Fengchu Village, Qishan, Shaanxi, including about 290 pieces with characters. As Qishan and Fufeng were called Zhouyuan in ancient times, they were called Zhouyuan oracle bones. According to the content, they can be roughly divided into divination sacrifice, divination, divination year, divination in and out, divination field hunting, divination expedition, person name, official name, place name, moon image, miscellaneous divination, alien characters and other categories, which are the same as those in the Shang Dynasty. However, because these oracle bones were relics of the former Zhou Dynasty before the extermination of Shang Dynasty, the relationship between Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty in the late Yin Dynasty provided important historical data with the original oracle bones-- Author: Cai Zhemao
  • Characters on tortoise shells and animal bones used by people in the Shang Dynasty for divination. It was found in Xiaotun Village, Anyang County, Henan Province in the 25th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1899 AD). In the 60th year of the Republic of China, the early oracle bone inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty were also unearthed in Qishan County, Shaanxi Province. [Sentences] Oracle bone inscriptions are treasures for studying ancient Chinese culture. △ The discovery of oracle inscriptions, tortoise shell inscriptions, deeds, Zhenbu inscriptions, Yin Qi, Yin Ruins oracle inscriptions, Yin Ruins book inscriptions, and Yin Ruins oracle bone inscriptions in 1899 was at the end of the Qing Dynasty, Scholar Wang Yirong is worried about malaria, so he plans to hear about the effective prescription "keel" for malaria in Tibetan style. The keels bought by Wang Yirong were accidentally seen by Liu E, a fellow scholar. Liu E found that the surface of these keels was carved with small characters. Liu E believed that the shapes of these characters were very similar to the inscriptions on ancient bronzes, and told Wang Yirong about it. At that time, Wang Yirong was a scholar with the same status as the president of today's national university, and his main research content was the inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets. Therefore, Liu E's discovery naturally attracted Wang Yirong's attention, and he immediately began to investigate. Later, he also found that these words may exist in an age even older than the Bronze Age. With this discovery, Wang Yirong went back to the pharmacy where he bought the keel and asked about the origin of the keel. However, this is the origin of the bone, which is regarded as a trade secret, and the pharmacy owner lied to Wang Yirong. When Wang Yirong found out that he had been cheated, he bought all the keels of the pharmacies and studied them. According to the research, the so-called keel period refers to the scapula of cattle and the shell of turtles. After studying the characters on bones and shells, we learned from the results that ancient diviners would smoke bones with fire, wait for cracks to appear, and then use its figures to divine good or bad luck, and would turn the results into characters carved on cattle bones and tortoise shells, so it is called Oracle, because it is the characters carved after divination, it is also called Oracle. The discovery of ancient Jiawen has also become one of the clues to understand the cause of the Shang Dynasty in China. The oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty were mainly unearthed in the Yin Ruins of Anyang. Their font structure has already possessed the basic form of Chinese character structure. They are a kind of characters that have developed to a mature stage. Their written records include the military, penalty, agriculture, science and technology, religion and other aspects of the Shang Dynasty. Chinese keyword: Oracle Keyword: Oracle Reference Zeng Binghe (2011). Illustrate the seven ancient civilizations in the world (first edition). Xinbei City: Huawei International. P142-143 Translated by Huang Bijun (2005). Illustrated Ancient Civilization (first edition). Taipei: Dr. Yi Cultural Publishing. P. 110-111 related teaching resources (digital teaching resources portal of the Ministry of Education):
  • The characters on tortoise shells and animal bones used by people in the Shang Dynasty for divination were successively found in Xiaotun Village, Anyang County, Henan Province, in the 25th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, which is the earliest characters that can be proved in kind in China. It is also known as "oracle script", "tortoiseshell script", "deed script", "zhenbo script", "Yin Qi", "Yin Ruins oracle script", "Yin Ruins book script", "Yin Ruins script".

Disjunctive explanation

nail :

◎ Jia Ji á Name (1) (Pictograph. Small seal character, like the image of the split seed coat worn by plants after germination. Original meaning: the seed shell worn by seeds after germination) (2) Same as original meaning [skin] A, Meng Yang of the East is stirring. From wood, like wearing Fu Jia—— Shuowen Armour Elephant Vegetation

bone :

◎ Bone Name (1) (Comprehension. From Gu Xuan, Xiao Zhuan looks like a bone shape with meat removed, meaning "cut". From meat, it means that bone is connected with meat. "Bone" is one of the radicals of Chinese characters, and most of the characters from "bone" are related to bone and human body. Original meaning: bone) (2) Same as the original meaning of [bone]

writing :

◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Chapter Five

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