The meaning and pinyin of the funeral oration _ red couplet
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The meaning of the funeral oration


terms Eulogy

Related Chinese Characters Sacrifice ji writing wen

Pinyin jì wén 

Basic meaning of the sacrificial rites

◎ Sacrificial inscription
[financial organization; elegiac address] Articles sung and read when offering sacrifices to the dead or gods

A refined version of the meaning of sacrificial rites

  • Style name. Articles expressing condolences or prayers when offering sacrifices or memorial ceremonies. In the Southern Dynasty, Liang and Liu Xie's "Carving Dragons in Literary Mind - Zhu Meng": "If it is a ritual sacrifice, the end of the feast; and in the middle generation, the sacrifice is both praise words and deeds. The sacrifice is both praise and cover to attract the gods to write." Volume IV of Song Guoxuan's "Gazing at the Car Annals": "Suddenly there was a skull falling from the sky. During several cases, the whole family was shocked, and chanted it for the sacrifice and buried it." Zhang Binglin's "On the National Heritage · Send it to Zhengzhai" : "In modern times, people may have meritorious deeds, and sacrifice to the state, and to those who have been famous in the past, comparing with Gan, Yiqi, Lulian, and Zheng Kangcheng, the temple worship is still there, and there is a special offering of fish and fish, which can also be used as a sacrifice." The fourth chapter of Sha Ting's Return to the Hometown: "In case of being dragged to death, it is hard to write even the sacrifice."
  • ◎ Sacrificial inscription
  • The words read during sacrifice. Such as Tang and Han Yu's "Twelve Lang Tribute". [Sentences] Yuan Mei misses his sister's memorial, which is very touching.

Disjunctive explanation

Sacrifice :

◎ Ji Zhe à i Name (1) Last Name (2) See also j Moving (1) (Comprehension. Oracle bone inscriptions, animal meat on the left, and "you" (hand) on the left; The middle is like a sacrificial table. It means holding meat to offer sacrifices to gods. The ancients killed animals to eat for themselves, and then they often ate meat

writing :

◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Chapter Five

Use Scenarios

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  • Nanjing National Memorial Day
  • 2017 Linxian County Tribute Liu Yubing
  • Linxian Liu Yubin's latest eulogy
  • Tearful Memorial Grandpa
  • Literary Review of Double Qin Sacrifice
  • Sacrifice to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor
  • In the Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Baoyu wrote an eulogy for Qingwen called
  • Sacrifice to the death of father
  • Tao Yuanming's self sacrifice
  • Memorial to the Nanjing Massacre
  • Tribute to Father
  • Linxian County Tribute Liu Yubing

Chinese words Word formation of sacrifice Word formation of Wen

Homonyms in sacrificial writings Ji Wen To record and hear Notes Jeer Accumulated temperature Interrogate Chicken plague Keta Polar question Halberd kiss Ji asked Ji Wen

Words related to sacrificial rites
  • Bird sacrifice

    1. The eagle kills the bird and Chen Zhiruo sacrifices it. Yizhoushu · Shixun: "On the day of summer vacation, eagles are sacrificed to birds." Zhu Youzeng once corrected and explained that "killing birds without instant food is like sacrificing to nature." The Book of Rites · Yueling: "(the moon of Meng Qiu) is cool

  • Sacrificial number

    That's number six. In ancient times, there were six kinds of laudatory names given to gods and sacrifices related to sacrifice. Such as honoring God as the emperor and God, honoring ghosts as the emperor's ancestors, and honoring rags as the stiff hyenas. Zhou Rites, Spring Officials and Great Wishes:

  • Fete

    Same as "sacrifice". The Book of Jin · Murong Jue Annals: "It is better to dress up and crown nine diadem when offering sacrifices to the emperor." The Second Book of History of the Qing Dynasty · Ritual Annals: "The old system, offering sacrifices to the emperor with a life prison, and awarding officials with meat."

  • Chief priests

    The person who presided over religious sacrifice activities in ancient Judaism had a high status. Lu Xun's Wild Grass Revenge (Part II): "Passers by taunted him, the chief priests and scribes also teased him, and the two robbers who were nailed with him also taunted him."

  • Annotations

    ◎ Annotation

  • Astronomical tide

    Only ocean tides caused by astronomical factors (moon and sun) are considered. The "lunar tide" is generated by the gravity of the moon; The solar tide is generated by the solar gravity. Because the moon is close to the earth, the moon generates tides

  • Casual writing

    Completely in accordance with the provisions of the law without change. The Book of the Han Dynasty, Biography of Zhao Chongguo: "Chongguo said: 'All the monarchs want to run their own books, but they are not loyal to the public.'" Song Zenggong's Disaster Relief of Zhao Gong in Yuezhou: "Law: Lin

  • Subtext

    Obscure words. Gao Yun of the Northern Wei Dynasty's "Ode to a Scholar": "Change customs, organize chaos and resolve disputes; integrate the stagnant meaning of the other, and reduce the hidden text."

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