The meaning of probability, pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of probability


terms Probability

Related Chinese Characters or huo however ran rate lv

Pinyin huò rán shuài 

Basic meaning of probability

The old name of probability.

Probability refined edition

  • The old name of probability.
  • Probability, also known as "probability", "probability" and "probability", refers to the probability of an event. Under the same conditions, the change and development of an event often have several different possibilities. This event is called "random event", and this phenomenon is called "random phenomenon". The probability of occurrence of different random events is different. Probability is the quantity used to indicate the probability of occurrence of random events. The classical definition of probability: the probability of the occurrence of an event A is the ratio of the possible situation of A to all possible situations. Frequency definition of probability: the probability of occurrence of an event A is equal to the frequency of occurrence of A in several tests. Its formula is as follows: probability of occurrence of A=(number of occurrences of A/total number of tests) In other words, under the same conditions, if there are only two possibilities of occurrence of an event, Then the possible occurrence times of any one of these events will account for half of the total test times. The limit of the relative value of the number of occurrences of a phenomenon (event) is known as the probability. Probability indicates the summation of a large number of repeated random phenomena. For example, for a gas composed of a large number of molecules, the kinetic energy of each molecule is random, but its overall performance temperature is determined. As a branch of mathematics, probability theory is a science that systematically studies probability, and the theory of inductive reasoning using probability theory as a tool produces probability logic. Therefore, probability or probability is a basic concept in probability logic, which is different from the inductive method of experience and is an inductive method of applied mathematical methods. Probability logic comes into being as a direct continuation of inductive logic. Since the conclusion of inductive logic and the conclusion of hypothetical deduction are both probable, it is necessary to estimate the probability of a certain conclusion from the quantitative aspect and introduce the precise probability method formulated in mathematics into logic. Probability has been discussed in two chapters in the inductive part of A System of Logic by John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), a British utilitarian. George Boole (1815-1864), an English mathematician and logician, proposed the logical explanation of probability, and advocated that the probability of judging relevant events should be investigated instead of the probability of events themselves. The former Soviet mathematician A.H. Kormoropov (1903~) put forward the axiomatic definition of probability, and elaborated the principle of the theory of random process without aftereffect in his book [Analytical Method of Probability Theory], which has quite an impact on the development of probability theory. Since then, Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970), a logical positivist, emphasized that the concept of probability in inductive logic should be divided into: the logical concept of probability and the statistical concept of probability; In addition, Hans Reichenbach (1891-1953) replaced the concept of relative frequency (that is, the concept of "statistical probability") with the concept of purely analytical "logical probability", and constructed and developed the logical axiom system of probability based on the concept of "logical probability", providing a set of precise logical tools for the prediction of probability under certain special circumstances-- Author: Liu Guijie
  • If a randomized experiment is repeated, the probability of occurrence of event (A) is [P (A)], which is the ratio of the number of occurrences of event A (fA) to the total number of trials (n), that is, P (A)=fA/n.
  • The number of opportunities or possibilities. [Sentence] With the increase of the number of places admitted, the probability of each examinee getting on the list has increased a lot.
  • The number of opportunities or possibilities. Also called "probability" or "probability".

Disjunctive explanation

or :

◎ or hu ò Dai (1) (Comprehension. The oracle bone inscriptions are shaped from the mouth (like a city), from the Ge (with the Ge guarding it). It means to defend the country with Ge. Original meaning: country. Some people, some things [some; some one] Or, yes—— Little

however :

◎ Ran Moving (1) (Comprehension and shape sound. Lower form, upper voice. Four points are the deformation of fire. The sound sign reads y à n, which means dog meat. Next, add fire to roast dog meat. Original meaning: burning) (2) Same as the original meaning. "Ran" is the original word of "burn" [burn] However, it also burns—— Say

rate :

◎ Rate Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription, like bird catching screen. Original meaning: bird catching screen) (2) Same as the original meaning [net] The rate of bird hunting is high—— Shuowen. Like a silk screen, its rod handle is also up and down. (3) Example; Model; Model [model

Chinese words Or Ran words Word formation of rate

Probability homonym

Words related to probability
  • Or one

    One; Some. Lu Xun's "Qi Jie Ting Essays: Two or Three Things About China": "If you give a hint that if you don't eulogize, you will be more maltreated, then even with some degree of maltreatment, you can still

  • Or hour

    Sometimes. "Records of the Historian, Biographies of Ji Zheng": "The Prime Minister Hongyan sees, and sometimes he is not the best."

  • someone may ask

    A style of writing. Use question and answer to illustrate the argument. It is mostly used for book titles. The Preface to "The Doctrine of the Mean" by Zhu Xi of Song Dynasty: "Let's remember what we have tasted about the choice of arguments. It's not called" Huwen ", which is attached later." The General Catalogue of Siku Quanshu

  • probabilistic reasoning

    The symmetry of "inevitability reasoning". Reasoning from the true premise can only deduce the true conclusion in probability (not necessarily). It mainly includes simple enumeration inductive reasoning and analogy reasoning.

  • live and let

    Joyful and unrestrained appearance. Wei Jikang of the Three Kingdoms, "On the Sound without Sorrow and Joy": "The small happy face is happy, and the most happy smile, and the reason of happiness is also. Why say it? If you are very close and comfortable, you will be happy and calm, and be wild." Zhu Ziqing, "

  • untrammeled by worldy affairs

    Outside: Everything outside of oneself. It is described as detached and not bothered by mundane affairs.

  • Somber

    Dim appearance. "Bo Yi Zhi, Zhang Zunyan" by the god of Tang Gu: "Si Lang is angry, and hits his teeth with a cup of wine. The bright pearl on the pillar falls from the hub to the hub, and no one can see it in the dark."

  • chance

    ◎ Contingency

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