Meaning of Danzhi, Pinyin _ Red Couplet
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Meaning of delay


terms Burden

Related Chinese Characters Dan dan Put aside ge

Pinyin dān gē 

Basic meaning of responsibility

◎ Load

Refined edition of meaning of responsibility

  • It is also called "Dange". 1. Delay. The second chapter of Outlaws of the Marsh: "The public is only a hindrance to Song Jiang's face, and will not do anything about it. When Tang Niu was a child, he must not be delayed." The fifth and ninth chapter of Journey to the West: "It seems that Shifu has been working in different ways. This kind of pavilion is always old, old and young, and the old and young are still young." "Zhu Chong was willing to marry just because he saw the gorgeous lady, so he didn't look at her at leisure. He was determined to visit an excellent woman, so he put off marriage day after day." Qing Ping Buqing's "Xia Wai Chu Sha · Motto · Yao Duan Ke Gong": Delayed. Song Wang Anshi's poem "The Spring Scenery": "I have no choice but to be bound by some fame and wealth, but to be burdened by his love." Volume 10 of Zhu Ziyu Lei: "I don't know how old I am when I am young." Ming Gaoming's "Pipa Story - Fengmu Yuhen": "My children are mistaken, and my parents are burdened with fame." 3 stop. "Ancient and Modern Novels · Chen Yushi's Skillful Survey of Gold Hairpin and Ornament": "My son should not bear the burden of the country, because he has lost the favor of my mother and son." For example, he stayed in Shanghai for two days.
  • ◎ Delay
  • Delays, delays. "Amazing at the First Moment. Volume 24": "If you are in argonauts, you will have to go through the Longjiang Pass for inspection. There are many delays." It is also called "delay".

Disjunctive explanation

Dan :

classifier. It is used to calculate the unit of selected items. [Words]: "One load of rice", "two loads of firewood". Responsibility. [Words]: "The burden of life". Stretcher: A soft bed for carrying patients or injured persons.   ...

Put aside :

◎ Shelving Put g é Moving (1) Bear; stand It's just a soft face and a kind heart. I can't help asking for something—— Sixteen chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions Can the strongest body and bones stand up to such a toss? (2) Another example: joist (supporting floor, floor or roof

Chinese words Dan's words Put words

Bear homonym But songs But cut delay Dilatory pavilion Yuege Play songs Dan Pavilion Dange Undesired Brother Dan Dange Dan Pavilion Single Ge Party evil

Words related to delay
  • Carrying water to sell in the river

    It means to show off in front of experts. It is also said that we should teach our students how to use their skills. The first part of the book "The Way of Maling" by an unknown Yuan family member: "His military tactics are displayed in front of my roots, so he is carrying water to sell to the river." It is also called "carrying water to sell to the river head"

  • carry snow to fill a well

    See "Taming the snow and plugging the well".

  • To fill the well with snow

    It's a metaphor for wasting your efforts. The second poem of Tang Gu Kuang's "Difficult Travel": "If you don't see that you are trying hard to fill the well with snow, it is not worth eating." It is also called "filling the well with snow" and "filling the river with snow". Five

  • Dan Rao

    forgive. Jin Dong Jieyuan, Volume 6 of The Western Chamber: "Please forgive my daughter! My mother and son must be warm." The third part of Yuan Kangjin's "Li Kui Takes the Burden": "You must do justice on behalf of heaven, then I have nothing

  • Shelter

    It is also called "Sunk Pavilion". It is also called "sinking". It is also called "Sunk Pavilion". Still on hold; Delay. Liu Ruoyu of the Ming Dynasty, in his "Self Narration Festival of Deliberating on the Central Record", said: "On April 14, I will repeat the words, but I will not follow them

  • Don't put off

    Dialect. It means to be merciless and embarrassed. Sun Li's "Baiyangdian Chronicle - Village Song": "Her eyebrows were worried. She shouted to Xiao Huang Li, 'Don't go, come back, what are you doing? Give me a face!'"

  • Burden

    ◎ Delay

  • Flat shelving

    Hold up, delay. The 15th chapter of the Travels of Lao Can: "In the future, I would like to find some personal talents and family members, but I can't find them, so I put the marriage aside."

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