Meaning of delay, pinyin _ red couplet
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Meaning of delay


terms delay

Related Chinese Characters Delay dan Put aside ge

Pinyin dān gē 

Basic meaning of delay

◎ Delay
(1) [stop over; stay]: stay
(2) [delay]: delay; delay
Don't delay. It's important to save the wounded—— Amputation and Blood Transfusion

Refined edition of the meaning of delay

  • It is also called "Delay Pavilion". 1. Stay. Chapter 39 of Outlaws of the Marsh: "Now I dare not delay, so I will go back with someone to catch you Chapter II of Part I: "I'm going to write something tonight, so I'll stay here for a while longer." 2 incur loss through delay. In the fourteenth chapter of Yang Siam's Journey to the West, he said, "It's no fate to let go, and it has been delayed until now." In the eighth chapter of Journey to the West, he said Chapter 6 of Part I: "Don't delay her homework."
  • ◎ Delay; Don't delay. It's important to save the wounded—— Amputation and Blood Transfusion
  • Delay, delay. [Sentence] Please forgive me for the delay caused by the traffic jam.
  • Delay, delay. The Dream of Red Mansions, Chapter 50: "Get down quickly. You are useless, but you have delayed me.".

Disjunctive explanation

Delay :

◎ d  n Shape (1) (Pictophoney. From the ear, Y í n) sound. Original meaning: big and droopy ears) Same as the original meaning [big ear] Kuafu is slow to hear—— Huainanzi Terrain. Gao Note: "Ear wasting, earlobe on shoulder." (2) Another example is: the long and drooping hair

Put aside :

◎ Shelving Put g é Moving (1) Bear; stand It's just a soft face and a kind heart. I can't help asking for something—— Sixteen chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions Can the strongest body and bones stand up to such a toss? (2) Another example: joist (supporting floor, floor or roof

Chinese words Dan's word formation Put words

Synonym of delay

Antonym of delay

Delay homonym But songs But cut Dilatory pavilion Yuege Play songs Dan Pavilion Dange Burden Undesired Brother Dan Dange Dan Pavilion Single Ge Party evil

Delay related words
  • be addicted to reading

    It means excellent reading. In the Thousand Word Essay written by Liang and Zhou Xingsi of the Southern Dynasties, "To delay reading Wan City means to keep your eyes in a box." In the poem "Eyesight disease thanks Liu Dao to pass on medicine" written by Wu Shidao of the Yuan Dynasty, "It is natural to learn letters and stay in study." Guo Mo

  • Procrastinate

    Indulge in confusion. Huai Nan Zi Xiu Wu Xun: "If you indulge in famine, you can't teach Tao." "The Hundred Metaphors Sutra": "A man who drinks in the world will indulge in famine and drink too much." "Sui Shu: Five Elements Annals": "

  • Indulge in drinking

    Still drink, drink. Harvest, 1981, Issue 5: "What's more wonderful is that there is a lot of humor floating in it, which makes the reader feel like drinking poison wine while being willing to die."

  • Philandering

    1. Deep love; Overindulgence.

  • Don't put off

    Dialect. It means to be merciless and embarrassed. Sun Li's "Baiyangdian Chronicle - Village Song": "Her eyebrows were worried. She shouted to Xiao Huang Li, 'Don't go, come back, what are you doing? Give me a face!'"

  • Take no time

    Inappropriate. The second chapter of the Biography of Heroes in Children: "My aunt said, 'Why is this girl like our sister? If you were not together, I would share it

  • Handover

    Explain and handle. Zhao Shuli's "Ten Mile Shop": "I will give you a specific answer when I put these things in order."

  • Flat shelving

    Hold up, delay. The 15th chapter of the Travels of Lao Can: "In the future, I would like to find some personal talents and family members, but I can't find them, so I put the marriage aside."

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