Meaning of Zhou Yan, Pinyin _ Red Couplet
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The meaning of Zhou Yan

Zhou Yan

terms Zhou Yan

Related Chinese Characters Zhou zhou Acting yan

Pinyin zhòu yǎn 

Basic meaning of Zhou Yan

Zhou Yan Yi Refined Edition

  • Extension; Yanze. Yao Xijun's Preface to "The Sound of Spring": "The words of the three Confucians, the branches of the three Confucians, the secret records on the top are in Jinyu, and the trivial words of Luxiang are collected on the bottom. When you are near them, you can translate them into Kharoshou, and when you are small, you can perform the famous theory with a smile. No one can enter."
  • Extension; Deduction.

Disjunctive explanation

Zhou :

Zhou Moving (1) Same as original meaning [read] Zhou, reading—— Shuowen Bu Zhou Yun—— Spring and Autumn Annals. According to, in this edition of Zuo Zhuan, all the words of divinatory signs are based on You. Heavy Zhou "Analects of Confucius" books—— Zhang Binglin's "Review of Confucius and Confucius" Clean the river and sea trip

Acting :

◎ Performance Moving (1) (Pictorial sound. From water, Yin sound. Original meaning: water flows forever) (2) Same as the original meaning [flow] Performance, long flow—— Shuowen The scenery of southern China is rare, and it is difficult for Xiling to perform the wave and cross the river—— Li Bai's "Send Weng Shenshu's Ancestors as Fengren" I haven't heard about the greatness of Yang Du

Chinese words Word formation of Zhou Performed words

Zhou Yan Homonym meticulous distribution Zhou Yan Anathema Zhou Yan Juyan Sudden flooding Remunerated speech

Words related to Zhou performance
  • large seal type of Chinese calligraphy

    An ancient style of calligraphy. That is, Big Seal Script. Liang Jiangyan of the Southern Dynasty wrote "The King of Jianping thanks for giving the inkstone and other enlightenment": "Read the Zhou seal script respectfully and observe the inkstone work side by side." The old title of Tang Liu Zongyuan's "Record of the Dragon City · Ren Zhongxuan's Dream of Water God Holding the Mirror": "

  • Zhou Shu

    That is, Zhou Wen. The poem Huaixu Shouxian written by Huang Guangsheng in the Qing Dynasty: "Go to the bridge gate to copy the stone drum, and it is difficult to read the calligraphy." See "Zhouwen".

  • Zhou wen

    ◎ Zhou wen [a style of Chinese calligraphy] The font of ancient big seal characters. Because

  • Zhou Si

    Shi Zhou and Li Si are called together. They have all made important contributions to the development of Chinese characters. Deng Pu wrote a poem titled "Self titled Yinya": "Six books were written by Zong Zhousi after thousands of years of fighting against the Yuan and Song dynasties."

  • Tour

    ◎ Tour x ú ny ǎ n [road show]

  • Shu Yan

    The predicate states its meaning and explains it. The stele of Cai Gong, Fu of the Langya King, written by Cai Yong of the Han Dynasty, said, "It is a good way to show the mysteries and praise the Quewen. The Zhuo you set up is a towering cloud."

  • Exercises

    ◎ Drill

  • Indulge in acting

    Water flow. Liang Jiangyan in the Southern Dynasty, "Learn from the Rhapsody of Liang Wang's Rabbit Garden": "In the golden pond, the performance was played, and the green bamboo was blocked."

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