Bingwen and Wuwu: Pinyin Red Couplet
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It means to be both civil and martial

Be both civil and martial

terms Be both civil and martial

Related Chinese Characters Bing bing writing wen Concurrent jian martial wu

Pinyin bǐng wén jiān wǔ

Basic meaning of combining martial arts with literature

Grasping both literature and martial arts

  • As the saying goes, you can write and fight. Tang Niusu's "Ji Wen Wu Bao An": "General Li is both civil and military, and has been ordered to levy special taxes."

Disjunctive explanation

Bing :

◎ Bing Name (1) (Comprehension. Congyou, Conghe, means holding the grain in hand. The seal character of "You" is like a hand. Original meaning: handle, bundle) (2) Same as the original meaning [a handful of laps] Binghe is also a bundle of grain—— Shuowen He has a legacy

writing :

◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Chapter Five

Concurrent :

◎ Ji'an Moving (1) (Comprehension. Small seal character, from you (hand), from (l ì). The word image holds two crops in one hand. Original meaning: holding two grains in one hand. It can be extended to carry out several things or occupy several things at the same time) (2) Having or involving several transactions or aspects at the same time [ho

martial :

◎ Wu Shape (1) (Comprehension. From the end, from the Ge. According to oracle bone inscriptions, people march with Ge, meaning to use force. Original meaning: brave; fierce) Same as original meaning [valiant] King Zhuang of Chu said, "I will stop fighting and become a fighter.". It is also said that the armed forces should ban violence, so as to ensure that the soldiers can make great contributions to the people and the wealth—— Zuo Shi

Chinese words Bingdi's Word Formation Word formation of Wen Compound words Wu's Word Formation

Literacy and Martial Arts synonyms

Homonyms for both writing and martial arts

Words related to both civil and martial arts
  • Bingbi Eunuch

    The imperial edict or wholesale memorial of the Ming Dynasty often ordered the eunuch to write things first, which was called "Eunuch Bingbi". Qing Zhaolian's "Continuation of the Xiaoting Pavilion - Criticizing the Office": "At the beginning of the country, Ji Bingbi, the eunuch of Ming Dynasty, was particularly

  • Grasping the balance

    It means taking power. In the Song music history, "The Story of Guangzhuoyi: Being Prime Minister with the same row of children": "It's unheard of since ancient times that a person like Li and his father and friends are holding the same balance."

  • Bingrong

    Take charge of military affairs. Book of the Song Dynasty - Ritual Annals III: "Inherit Qianlong and fight for the army, and aim to save the world."

  • Uphold one's duties

    It is also said to be faithful to duty. Han Ma Rong's "The Sutra of Loyalty · Hundred Works": "If you move, you will have good manners. If you uphold your duties, you will not return. If you say something, you will not be afraid."

  • right-hand part of a character

    1. Advocate cultural governance. Song Ouyang Xiu's "Xie Ci Han Shu" Table ":" Stealing the Youwen to prosper is the first place for governance. "Cao Zhiqian of the Yuan Dynasty wrote a poem in Yingzhou Temple Interpretation:" Youwen was sainted, and ritual preparation led to all life

  • Ancient classics

    It refers to the Confucian classics originally written in seal script. Compared with the "Jinwen Jing" written in official script in Han Dynasty. See "Ancient Chinese Classics".

  • Cold prose

    Ripples of cold water. Tang Dufu's poem "The Spring Eye of Taiping Temple": "The north wind starts to write cold prose, and the weak algae stretches green threads."

  • Forbidden article

    Precious and secret books. The old title of Tang Liu Zongyuan's "Record of the Dragon City: God Chases Wang Yuanzhi and Yi Zongyuan": "There are flying immortals guarding the forbidden texts above. The Jade Collection and Gold Section are the secret capital. Who are you? You are so numerous. According to the results

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