The meaning of the inscription, pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of the inscription

inscription on a tablet

terms inscription on a tablet

Related Chinese Characters Stele bei writing wen

Pinyin bēi wén 

Basic meaning of the inscription

◎ Inscription b e iw é n
[description on a tablet]

Refined edition of inscription meaning

  • 1. Characters engraved on the stele. The History of the Later Han Dynasty · The Biography of Lu Zhi: "Concentrate on studying and refining, combine the chapters and sentences of the Book of History, lose the Book of Rites of filial piety, and the common people rule the canon, and publish the inscription on the tablet." The Annals of the Three Kingdoms · Wei Zhi · Deng Ai Biography: "In the twelfth year of (Ai), I followed my mother to Yingchuan, and read the inscription of Chen Shi, the chief of Taiqiu, saying, 'The text is a model for the world, and the behavior is the rule of men'." Li Xu of Ming Dynasty, "The old man in the Jie'an wrote about the inscription on the stele of the King of Zhongshan" "The officials are not sensitive. Fortunately, they have the honor to attend the sutra banquet with the imperial court. They are very grateful for their tears. I would like to bow to your hand and write on the left side of the inscription." Guo Xiaochuan wrote a poem in Sanmenxia: "You don't engrave the inscription on the tablet, and you don't record poetry, just write down: the giant's brain and sweat buried all risks and difficulties." 2 Style name. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty · The Biography of Kong Rong: "(Rong) There are twenty-five poems, eulogies, inscriptions, argumentations, six words, policy essays, expressions, advisories, decrees, and secretaries." In the Southern Dynasty, Liang and Liu Xie's "Carving a Dragon in Literary Mind · Inscription of Proverbs": "Cai Yong's inscription is unique in thinking, both ancient and modern. The axe of the Bridge Lord is used to breathe and absorb the code; Zhu and Mu's tripod is complete with inscriptions on the tablet, and indulges in their own merits." Jin Songcen's "Art in Literature" "The inscriptions have words, all of which are rhymes. Zhonglang's" Guoyoudao Tablet "already has words, which is the origin of the inscription."
  • ◎ Inscription on a tablet
  • The words carved on the stone tablet. [Sentence] From the content of the inscription, the deceased was a general.
  • The words carved on the stone tablet. Its style is mainly narrative, and later mixed with comments, and even there are many allegorical texts with objects. "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Vol. 64, Biography of Lu Zhi": "The common people ruled the canon and published the inscription on the tablet." "The first engraving surprised me. Vol. 25": "Li Changji wrote a new story about the White Jade Tower, and the Emperor of Heaven called you to write the inscription on the tablet!"

Disjunctive explanation

Stele :

◎ Stele b e i Name (1) (Shape sound. From the stone, low sound. Original meaning: the vertical stone used to observe the shadow of the sun and tie livestock in front of ancient palaces and temples) (2) Upright stone Stele, vertical stone also—— Shuowen Shangdang Stele South Chen—— Etiquette · Bride Gifts

writing :

◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Chapter Five

Use Scenarios

  • Inscription on the People's Monument
  • Donation Monument
  • Westminster Abbey Inscriptions
  • A complete set of model inscriptions on tombstones
  • Inscription on the Monument of Southwest United University
  • Attention to the number of words on the tablet
  • Example of inscription on a tombstone where parents are buried together
  • How to write the inscription for parents
  • Example of inscription of parents' joint burial
  • Examples of rural tombstones, tombstones and inscriptions
  • Example of inscription on the tombstone of the father in the countryside
  • How to write the inscription of Hui people
  • The difference between death and death written on the inscription
  • Format of inscription on modern parents' tombstone
  • What is the brushwork of Zhang Qian's stele inscription
  • The inscription was engraved by Lu Peiguo
  • The inscription sent the soul of chastity to thank
  • How to write the inscription of a 6-year-old child
  • Madame Curie's Stele

Chinese words Word formation of stele Word formation of Wen

Epitaph homonym Bevan Preparation Prepare to hear Be prepared to ask Mournful prose Recitation Dou wen Asked

Words related to inscriptions
  • stele

    ◎ Tablets b e iji é [stone tablet]: the inscriptions are collectively called Jingchu Tablets, which are written by the association—— Southern History&Middleo

  • Stele hall

    Namely, Beiting Pavilion. Tang Xue Yongqiang's "Collection of Differences · Zhang Guangsheng": "(Guangsheng) has finished the sacrifice, and because of drinking heavily, he sleeps in the memorial hall in the day." Tang Xuefeng's poem "You Don't See": "The inscription is half empty, and the memorial hall is destroyed, Qilian

  • Stele pavilion

    ◎ Stele Pavilion

  • Inscription on stele

    The words written or engraved on the back of the stele. Most of the inscriptions on steles in the Han Dynasty are the titles of students, former officials, writers and stone workers. Since the Tang Dynasty, inscriptions and other words were written on the back of the monument. See Xu Shizeng's "Style..."

  • Yu Wenyong

    That is, "Emperor Wu of Zhou". Dai Jun was born in Wuchuan (now Inner Mongolia). Xianbei nationality. Yu Wentai's son. After accession to the throne in 560 AD, his cousin Yuwenhu monopolized power. In 572, Yu Wenhu was killed to be in charge. Ban Buddhism and Taoism, and make the temple occupy

  • Yiwen

    Etiquette form. The Book of Courtesy in the Suburbs by Zhang Jiuling of the Tang Dynasty: "There is nothing left of the holy pilgrimage ceremony, which is a golden age of ritual writing. It is also said that there is nothing left of it." Volume 19 of "Two Moments of Amazing Writing": "The lights are brilliant, the ritual writing is bright, and it is not rich and noble

  • not to be worth a hair

    ◎ Not worth a penny; be no

  • Green text deficit

    A kind of auspicious symbol in ancient legends. It is said that all the maps and records of rivers are green, or they are carved on the stone tablet with Zhu calligraphy. The Preface to Annals of the Song Dynasty: "The Holy Emperor and Philosopher King, who had a auspicious life, built the throne of the gods, praised the auspicious symbol

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