The meaning of dismal soul cancellation, pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of desperation

Desperate and desperate

terms Desperate and desperate

Related Chinese Characters Dark an however ran soul hun pin xiao

Pinyin àn rán hún xiāo

Basic meaning of dismal sales

Depressed: depressed look; Soul pin: The soul has left the body. It describes the appearance of being extremely depressed and sorrowful, so that the mind has no control.

Desperate Soul Cancellation Fine Edition

  • Depressed: depressed look; Soul pin: The soul has left the body. It describes the appearance of being extremely depressed and sorrowful, so that the mind has no control.

Disjunctive explanation

Dark :

◎ Dark à n Shape (1) (Pictophoney. From black to sound. Original meaning: dark black) (2) Same as the original meaning [black] Dark, dark black—— Shuowen Dark, black—— Guangya Dark and gloomy—— Historical Records · Confucius Family If you pick flowers after they are spent, they will become dark and evil

however :

◎ Ran Moving (1) (Comprehension and shape sound. Lower form, upper voice. Four points are the deformation of fire. The sound sign reads y à n, which means dog meat. Next, add fire to roast dog meat. Original meaning: burning) (2) Same as the original meaning. "Ran" is the original word of "burn" [burn] However, it also burns—— Say

soul :

◎ Soul h ú n Name (1) (Form sound. From ghost, cloud sound. Original meaning: soul, the spirit that the ancients imagined could exist without the human body) (2) Same as original meaning [soul] Soul is also yang qi—— Shuowen Life begins to become a soul, which is called Yang—— Zuo Zhuan, Seven Years of Zhao Gong

pin :

◎ Pin Pin xi A o Moving (1) (Pictorial sound. From gold, Xiao Sheng. Original meaning: melting metal) (2) Same as the original meaning [melt] Selling, melting gold—— Shuowen It takes seven lives to sell the car—— Huainanzi - General Discussion Collect the soldiers from all over the world, gather them in Xianyang, and sell them as Zhong Fu—— 《...

Chinese words Dark words Ran words Words of Soul Words for pins

A synonym for dismal soul selling

The antonym of dismal soul selling

Desperate homonyms Dim soul disappears

Words related to desperation
  • gloomy

    1. The light is dim; The color turns black. One of the poems "Tour" written by Chen Lin of the Han Dynasty: "The wind in the Xiaoxiao Valley darkens the sky and the road." Liang Jiangyan of the Southern Dynasty's "Ode of Sorrow for a Thousand Miles": "The water darkens, the lotus leaves move, and the mountains grow grey

  • Brood

    Think in the dark. "Quanyuan Sanqu · A Flower": "I am tired of the fragrance of flowers through the pearl curtain, but I am worried about the screen and the bamboo shadow. My eyes and heart are dark, and I regret that it was sent to Yangguan Road by mistake."

  • fell dejected

    The mind is sad about its appearance. "Hu Tian Lu" by Bai Yi, a hermit in the Qing Dynasty: "Women are even more dejected, with tears running down their cheeks

  • A dark cloud

    Dark Cloud. Qu Qiubai's Hungry Countryside Chronicle 14: "The shining snow reflects the cold and fierce early days. When the dark clouds cover the lingering, they sometimes show a slightly sad look." Qu Qiubai's Chidu Heart

  • independent

    It refers to living apart from the rest of the world.

  • Primarily

    Just at the beginning. The second volume of Wang Shouren's "Biography": "For example, the torrent of muddy water is only stored in a vat. Although it is initially settled, it is only muddy." The first volume of "The First Moment of Amazing Records": "People eat wine and write contracts for the first time

  • cease abruptly

    Sudden stop. It refers to sound. Mao Dun's "Exercise" 1: "Suddenly a series of car horns went straight outside the gate and stopped suddenly." Sha Ting's "Crossing the Gate" 16: "A frog croaked twice, then

  • feel like having lost bearings

    I feel as if I have lost something. It refers to being restless and not knowing what to do.

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