Shanwen's meaning, pinyin _ red couplet
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Meaning of Shanwen


terms Shanwen

Related Chinese Characters mountain shan writing wen

Pinyin shān wén 

Basic meaning of Shanwen

Refined edition of Shanwen meaning

  • Same as "mountain pattern". 1. Mountain texture. In the Ode to the Forest by Zhang Jiuling of the Tang Dynasty: "The moss is beneficial to the mountain and the prose is ancient." 2 It refers to a mountain shaped pattern. In The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Biography of Ma Rong, "Mountain Lei is always full", Li Xian of Tang noted: "Mountain Lei is painted as mountain prose."

Disjunctive explanation

mountain :

◎ Mountain sh  n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions are shaped like mountain peaks standing side by side. "Mountain" is a radical of Chinese characters. Its original meaning is: a ridge formed by earth and stone on the ground) (2) Same as the original meaning of [mountain] Mountain, soil and stone high—— Shuowen ...

writing :

◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Chapter Five

Chinese words The word formation of mountain Word formation of Wen

Homophone in mountain language Mountain pattern Zen prose Maintenance document To support the public

Words related to Shanwen
  • White clouds in the mountains

    There are only white clouds on the mountain. In the old days, visitors were declined.

  • Mountain photo

    The sunset in the mountains. In the Southern Dynasty, Wang Rong of the Qi Dynasty wrote "Seven Rhymes of Visiting the Hill Garden after Listening to Qixuan Temple": "The sun shines red on the mountain, and the pines shine green on the water. It's so pleasant for people to enjoy the scenery outside, but they are late to visit the west." Tang Menghaoran wrote "Send Zhang Zirong to the imperial examination

  • Mountain rhinoceros

    A kind of rhinoceros. Compendium of Materia Medica, Animal II, Rhinoceros by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty: "Rhinoceros come from Xifan, Nanfan, South Yunnan and Jiaozhou, including mountain rhinoceros, water rhinoceros, and Si rhinoceros, and also like a hairy rhinoceros

  • Mountain creeper

    See "Yamasaka".

  • Denunciation

    ◎ Status document x í w é n [an official public declaration, addressed to j

  • Drop bag

    Same as "book bag". Wang Tao of the Qing Dynasty wrote "Songbin Suo Hua, Painting Boat Ji Yan": "Let's stop talking, but Xiuyun came out of the cabin and asked if he could write poems. Xiuyun said, 'I'm a layman, and I can't get rid of my literary bag.'"

  • To make a story

    1. Play with words. In the Southern Dynasty, Liang and Liu Xie's "Wen Xin Diao Long · Eulogy": "Ma Rong's" Guang Cheng "and" Shang Lin "are elegant and like Fu, but they are not good at writing!" 2 It refers to writing. Lu Xun's Collection of

  • gathering of talents

    Many talents and cultural relics are gathered in one place.

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