Meaning of penniless, pinyin _ red couplet
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Means penniless

not to have a single penny left on

terms not to have a single penny left on

Related Chinese Characters body shen nothing wu branch fen writing wen

Pinyin shēn wú fēn wén 

Basic meaning of penniless

◎ Having no money
(1) [without a cent to my name; be not worth a cent]:
I am penniless, tired and hungry
(2) [penniless]: Extremely poor
A large number of penniless immigrants

Penniless refined edition

  • ◎ Without a cent to my name; be not worth a cent
  • I don't have any money on me. It is a metaphor for poverty. [Sentence] He has spent all his money and is now a penniless tramp.
  • I don't have any money on me. It is a metaphor for poverty. For example, "He spent all his money and is now a penniless tramp."

Disjunctive explanation

body :

◎ Body sh ∨ n Name (1) (Pictograph. It looks like a person. Original meaning: general name of body) (2) Same as body Body, bow also. It looks like a man—— Shuowen. According to, the original meaning of body is human body. There must be a bedtime ritual—— The Analects of Confucius, The Village Party People

nothing :

◎ None No w ú Name (1) (Comprehension. According to the oracle bone inscriptions, it is like a person holding a handle while dancing. In oracle inscriptions and gold inscriptions, the words "no, dance" are the same. Original meaning: music and dance) (2) Same as original meaning [sing and dance] (3) Philosophical category refers to intangibility, namelessness, nihility, etc

branch :

A part in a whole. [Words]: "part". The scope and limit of the title, right, obligation, etc. [Words]: "identity", "position", "duty". Quantifier: A>The unit used to calculate weight. One percent of one or two

writing :

◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Chapter Five

Chinese words Body words Words without Word formation of fraction Word formation of Wen

Penniless synonym

The antonym of penniless

Penniless homophone

Words related to penniless
  • Body knowledge

    Buddhist language. One of the "Six Intelligences", the knowledge gained by the body in contact with external things. Buddhism regards the body as its root, so it is called. Liang Jiangyan of the Southern Dynasty, "Presenting Alchemy and the Long History of Yin": "I know this reason, and the glory is unattainable

  • be in the family way

    ◎ Be pregnant: It is said that it was the day when the Emperor created things. Sui Shu&mi

  • lose all standing and reputation

    See "disgrace and disgrace".

  • Retire and succeed

    It means achievement and retirement. Volume 56 of the Seven Signatures of the Cloud Collection: "In life, you will be trapped, and you will become a baby after your success. It has not yet been possible, let alone abandoned."

  • perpetual and inexhaustible

    Yongyong: Forever. There is no end.

  • Nothing good

    Good: Yes. Refers to not having a hobby.

  • positively , there can be no such logic

    Break: Absolutely, definitely. There is absolutely no such reason.

  • Expensive

    The important thought of metaphysics in the Wei and Jin dynasties. It means taking "nothing" as the spiritual origin of all things in the world. This is based on Lao Zi: "Everything in the world is born of something, and something is born of nothing." The representative figures are why Yan and Wang Bi. Jin Peiwei

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