The meaning of happy look, pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of a happy look

A cheerful look

terms A cheerful look

Related Chinese Characters god shen colour se Yi yi however ran

Pinyin shén sè yí rán 

Basic meaning of looking happy

◎ Pleasant sh é ns è - y í r á n
[look unperturbed] Have a good mood and look peaceful

Delightful look refined edition

  • ◎ Pleasant sh é ns è - y í r á n [look unperturbed]

Disjunctive explanation

god :

◎ God sh é n Name (1) (Comprehension. From Sheshen. "Shen" is a lightning in the sky. The ancients thought that lightning was unpredictable and powerful, so it was called God. Original meaning: God) (2) The legendary god, the creator or master of all things in the world [god; deity] God

colour :

◎ Color sh ǎ i Name (1) Color - used in some spoken languages. For example: fading; Fading; Never change color (2) Dice. Gambling equipment is a small cube, usually made of bones, with six sides divided into one, two, three, four, five and six points. For example, color

Yi :

◎ Yiy í Shape (1) (Pictorial sound. From the heart, the sound of the platform (y í). Original meaning: pleasant appearance) (2) Same as the original meaning [cheerful; happy] Yi, Heya—— Shuowen The public is the king of poetry—— Book · Jin Zhuan. Zheng Note: "Yueya." Down

however :

◎ Ran Moving (1) (Comprehension and shape sound. Lower form, upper voice. Four points are the deformation of fire. The sound sign reads y à n, which means dog meat. Next, add fire to roast dog meat. Original meaning: burning) (2) Same as the original meaning. "Ran" is the original word of "burn" [burn] However, it also burns—— Say

Chinese words Word formation of God Words of color Yidi words Ran words

Homonyms with pleasant looks

Words related to happy look
  • God and man know

    Note: Inspection. Both gods and mortals know it. It is often used as a confession when swearing.

  • Dedication

    It means peace of mind and spirit. The New Book of the Tang Dynasty, Biography of Yang Yuanyan: "When he was several years old and did not speak, the prime minister thought: 'Those who speak late are determined by God, and must be heavy weapons.'"

  • Shenlue

    Describe a superb strategy. Jin Ganbao's General Theory of Jin Ji: "Catch Meng Da in the west, lift Gongsun Yuan in the east, invade Cao Shuang inside, attack the royal mausoleum outside, and be a bit arbitrary."

  • Shenshu Hides

    It's a magic and mysterious military script. Lin Shu's Preface to "A Hundred Talents Selection in Korean": "In addition, power is set according to events. Each article must create a pattern. It is nearly broken and continues far away. It is not intentional, but should be in the Buddha's mind. It changes slightly, like a god

  • Eyes

    ◎ Eyes y ǎ ns è [wink; hint given with the eyes; meaningful glance]

  • Colorful

    The beauty is unparalleled in modern times.

  • various

    ◎ Various x í ngx í ng-s è s è [of every hue] describes the variety of things

  • Pentachromatic millipede

    Five color pen. Tang Fanggan's poem "Retitling the South Pavilion of the Road Branch": "When you sleep, you can share the river's dream, and the five colors can help you escape." Tu Long's "The Story of Colorful Mistakes": "If you are good at something, you have to spend it

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