Meaning of becoming a full member, pinyin _ red couplet
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Meaning of becoming a regular employee

become a regular worker

terms become a regular worker

Related Chinese Characters turn zhuan just zheng

Pinyin zhuǎn zhèng 

Basic meaning of employment confirmation

◎ Becoming a full member
[become a full member after serving a professional period]
Temporary worker becomes regular

Fine revision of the meaning of becoming a full member

  • 1. The deputy post is transferred to the principal post. The 70th chapter of Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua: "The next god is lucky and does not ask for anything, and the people of Qi respect the judicial order, so it is better to become a regular person so as to take charge of the name of punishment." 2 Informal members become full members. Zhou Libo, "The Storm", Part I, Part 20: "Captain Xiao resisted the pain, called Xiao Wang and Liu Sheng together, held a branch meeting under the shade of poplar trees, discussed the issue of recognizing Comrade Zhao Yulin as a full member of the Communist Party of China, and everyone agreed that he would become a full member." Guo Peng, "Liu Yasheng" : "In fact, he was only an auditing student at Peking University at first, and then he got the chance to become a full member." People's Daily reported on February 29, 1982: "The apprentice had become a full member only two years ago, because he did a good job, and he became a full member only nine months later."
  • ◎ Becoming a full member after serving a professional period
  • Mainland China refers to the transition from informal members to full members in the organization.

Disjunctive explanation

turn :

◎ Turn To Moving (1) (Pictorial sound. Slave car, special sound. It is necessary to use the car for transportation, so the slave car. Original meaning: transportation) (2) Same as the original meaning (by land transportation) [carry in a cart] Transfer and transportation—— Shuowen Hu transferred to Yu T-shirt—— Poetry

just :

◎ Zhengzh è ng Shape (1) (Refers to the matter. In Oracle, the symbols above indicate the direction and target, and the foot (stop) below means to walk towards the direction or target without deviation. Original meaning: not skewed, flat) (2) Same as central Don't sit when the seat is not straight

Use Scenarios

  • Model Application Form for Membership
  • Summary of Probation Period Employment
  • Application for becoming a regular teacher
  • The probationary party member became a full member and made a statement
  • Application for becoming a teacher member
  • Self appraisal of regular employment rating
  • Grading of graduates
  • Download the main play of the duet
  • Model text of self appraisal for becoming a regular
  • Employment confirmation report ppt
  • Probation period confirmation notice
  • Conference of Probationary Party Members Becoming Full Party Members
  • Application for Employment Confirmation and Grading
  • Sample Application Form for Customer Service Becoming a Regular Employee
  • Report on official employment of civil servants
  • Sales Manager Employment Confirmation Application
  • The sample text of the employment confirmation application is short
  • Yan Xuejing's Errenzhuan Drama
  • Postgraduate civil servants become regular and rank fixed
  • Model text for publicity of becoming a full member

Chinese words Zhuan's words Positive words

Corrected homophone Zhuan Zheng have full power in military decisions without waiting for orders from the emperor Zhuan Zheng dictatorship

Words related to employment confirmation
  • Conversion

    ◎ Transferred to civilian work [be transferred to civilian work] Military cadres are discharged from active service and assigned to local organs and enterprises

  • Transfer to county

    Cyclotron contact. "Selected Works · He Yan" Jingfu Temple Fu ":" The horse migrates to increase the number of mistakes, and turns into a Fu. "Li Zhouhan notes:" The circle is connected, like the house of Fu Guo. "

  • Turn Bay

    See Turning.

  • rotor

    The rotating part of a rotating machine. Such as the rotating part of the steam turbine, the rotating part of the motor, etc. It is composed of rotating shaft and iron core, with bearings installed at both ends. The shaft is usually made of low carbon steel. The rotor core of the motor is made of circular silicon with slot holes

  • Rigorous

    ◎ Rigorous y á nzh è ng (1) [be solemn and just]: serious and upright; Seriously, rightfully and seriously stand (2) [

  • Chen Zhengzi

    It refers to Chen Shidao, a poet of the Song Dynasty. He is a man of constant character and has no self. He is a hermit of Houshan and a native of Pengcheng. Official to secretary is provincial. Later, it was called "Chen Zhengzi". Jin and Yuan were fond of asking about the poems in The Analects of Poetry

  • pure

    ◎ Pure ch ú nzh è ng [pure; unadulterated] pure; Not mixed with other ingredients, a very pure French

  • Justification

    Assessment; Judgment. The History of the Later Han Dynasty: Biography of Chen Shi: "Stay in the village and calmly lead the way. If there is a dispute, he will always seek justice, know how to compare the right and wrong, and return without complaint."

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