Meaning and Pinyin of the Red Label
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Meaning of Zhu Sign


terms Vermilion

Related Chinese Characters Zhu zhu sign qian

Pinyin zhū qiān 

Basic meaning of Zhu Sign

Fine revision of the meaning of red ink

  • Red bamboo stick. In the old days, the government handed over the certificate for the police officers to arrest prisoners. Pu Songling of the Qing Dynasty wrote "Strange Stories from a Liaozhai · Poetry Judgment": "Mr. Zhu signs, and holds the owner of a shop in Nanguo." Zhu signs: see "Zhu signs". Also known as "Zhu Sign". Inscription: seal with ink. It is a temporary certificate issued by the old government to handle critical events. The 19th chapter of the Scholars: "I will entrust someone here to get a Zhu visa from the county." "It was still at night. Hongbu went to the City God Temple and secretly ordered his children to follow him to the main hall. Because he had sneaked into the bedroom, he ordered Zaoyuan to hold Zhu's signature to supervise the key and hang Ren's father and son."

Disjunctive explanation

Zhu :

◎ Zhu Zhilu Name (1) (Refers to the matter. In the small seal character, one points out that this kind of wood is red heart wood. Original meaning: red heart wood) (2) Same as the original meaning [the tree with red core] Zhu, red heartwood, pine and cypress—— Shuowen (3)...

sign :

Signature: the written report submitted by the subordinate of the public service organ to the superior. A small piece of paper marked with symbols. Pass "sign". [Words]: "label", "float", "signature". Inscribe or title on the document to express responsibility or as a memorial. [Group

Chinese words Zhu's Word Formation Sign words

Vermilion homonym Eviction Bamboo stick Candlestick Bamboo cutting Bamboo cuttage Bamboo subsidy Vermilion lead Censure Censure Zhu Qian Bead seal

Words related to signature
  • Vermilion tail

    The flag decorations on ancient cars are made of red yak tails. Jin Gehong's "Embracing Puzi, Anpao": "Changqing, therefore, unties Du's nose and embraces Zhu Mao, and Qu Ni enjoys Maotu under the gate."

  • Zhumen

    ◎ Zhu Men zh Ru m é n (1) [Vermillion gates; red-lacquered doors of wealthy ...

  • Vermilion pomegranate tooth

    The lips are ruddy, and the teeth are as neat as pomegranate fruits.

  • Zhu Fei

    Red painted door. The Sunrise in the Southeast Corner by Chen Xu Boyang of the Southern Dynasty: "The wall of the city of Zhu opens the door of Zhu on the day, and the brothel contains the light of the original light." The third word of the Phoenix Dwelling on the Wu by Song Liuyong: "On the crescent of the moon, the door of Zhu is half hidden

  • Toothpicks

    Books are rich. Li Yu of the Southern Tang Dynasty wrote a poem titled "The Queen of the Golden Chamber": "The toothpicks are wrapped in red silk, and Wang Can's books are burned together

  • Toothpick

    ◎ Toothpick y á qi ã n

  • Sign off

    Sign a pledge. The Yuan Dynasty Regulations · Ministry of Household · Curriculum: "Take the number of various courses that have been determined, and sign it in the form of this Lu Yi, and be willing to give the certificate of recognition with provincialism, but if there is any surplus, it must be fully implemented to the official."

  • government warrant for the immediate arrest of a suspected criminal

    In the old days, it was a kind of signboard for officials to detain criminals urgently. The fifth chapter of The Scholars: "Master Qi immediately picked up a fire sign, sent him to fetch the phoenix and make a reply in the hall." The first chapter of The History of Civilization: "

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