The meaning of "Tu Qi", pinyin _ red couplet
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The meaning of turbulence and abandonment

Turbulence abandonment

terms Turbulence abandonment

Related Chinese Characters Turbulence wen Discard qi

Pinyin wěn qì 

Basic Meaning of Turbulence and Abandonment

Refined Edition of Turbulence and Abandonment

  • Disorderly and abandoned. Sui Shu · Niu Hong Zhuan: "In the old Zhou Dynasty, the virtue was declining, and the old classics were abandoned. Confucius used the talent of great sages to open up the career of plain kings, and the ancestral charter to make Rites and publish Poems. At the beginning of the fifth year, he revised the Spring and Autumn Annals, and expounded the Ten Wings to promote the Book of Changes."

Disjunctive explanation

Turbulence :

◎ Turbulence Shape (1) (Pictophonetic. Cong Zhi (m ì), Wensheng. Original meaning: disorderly) (2) Same as original meaning [unordered] Turbulence, chaos—— Shuowen It is orderly—— Book of Pan Geng (3) Another example: turbulence (chaos); Disturbance

Discard :

◎ Discard Discard Moving (1) (Comprehension. It is an oracle bone inscription, with an upward baby on the top, three points for amniotic fluid, and an upward head for dystocia. There is a dustpan in the middle, and two hands below. When combined, it means to throw away the unlucky dystocia. Xiaozhuan is written in the same way. Its original meaning is: throw away; abandon

Chinese words Turbulent words Abandoned words

Disregard homonyms Literary masonry pestilential vapor Wenqi Wenqi Wen Qi Warm air Deed Contract

Words related to abandonment
  • Radiography

    Disorder and corruption. The Ming History · Biography of Jin Xianmin: "He is obscene to raise and steal famous weapons, and to release regulations." The Ming History · Biography of Qin Shiding: "Compared with the natural disasters in, people are trapped, and the discipline is chaotic, and officials are confused."

  • Turbulent cracking

    It is still broken. Liang Jiangyan of the Southern Dynasty wrote "Xiao was urged by the minister to give up the table", which said, "To show Miao virtue, and then imitate Ying Xun. If there is more than this order, there will be no chaos."

  • Turbulent annoyance

    bother. Song Sushi's Six Pieces of Application for Opening the Lake in Three Provinces: "In addition to paying the fees for opening the lake, all the people are careful and dare not bother to listen one by one."

  • Turbulence abandonment

    Disorderly and abandoned. Book of Sui · Biography of Niu Hong: "In the old Zhou Dynasty, virtue was in decline, and the old classics were abandoned. Confucius used the talent of great sages to open up the career of plain kings, charter the ancestors, make Rites and publish Poems, and revise Spring and Autumn Annals at the beginning of the fifth year

  • To be abandoned

    Suddenly abandon. To say goodbye forever is death. Tang Hanyu's "Xianzong Collapses and Consolidates All Taoists": "Heaven will bring disaster to the emperor, and he will abandon all countries." "The History of the Yuan Dynasty · Wenzong II": "I will use the first emperor to abandon Fang Xin, and destroy him

  • No waste material

    There is no useless material. It is often said that each person is useful. When you want to travel in the Nanshan Mountains, Wei Cao Zhi of the Three Kingdoms Period said, "Great craftsmen have no waste of materials, and the use of boats and carts is uneven."

  • Abandonment

    Discard. Song Huang Tingjian's "Offering Hewen as a hidden gift without blame, with the rhyme of seeing a gentleman and being unhappy with Hu": "Talk about classics and use Yan theory, and restrain and abandon all Confucian biographies."

  • Don't abandon the old

    Abandon: Abandon; Old friends: old friends. Don't abandon old friends easily.

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