Goose Idioms _ Goose Idioms _ Idioms Collection _ Red Couplet
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Goose Idioms _ Idioms describing geese

Complete Idioms of Goose

Complete Idioms of Goose detailed
Sutra Writing Exchange goose : Write scriptures in exchange for geese. Describe excellent calligraphy Detailed »
Duck trot goose that 's ok The duck and goose walk in a figure of eight, because it is used to describe the way people walk slowly and stagger. Detailed »
A thousand miles away goose Mao, courtesy is light and affection is heavy It means that although the gift is small, the friendship is deep Detailed »
goose Duck walk Step: Go. Walk like a goose or a duck. It means walking slowly. Detailed »
Toad wants to eat goose meat This is a metaphor for people who have no self-awareness and are bent on getting things they can't get. fond dream Detailed »
A thousand li goose hair It is a metaphor for small gifts with deep feelings. Detailed »
shake goose Hair fan It is said that Zhuge Liang often holds a feather fan in his hand to command operations, and some military advisers appearing on the stage in later generations also hold feather fans. Because he uses the analogy of "rocking goose feather fan" to make plans. Detailed »
sounds made by chickens goose Bucket : It is used to describe a quarrel and discord. Detailed »
goose Lake Meeting A famous philosophical debate was held at Ehu Temple in Xinzhou (now Shangrao, Jiangxi) in the second year of Chunxi in the Southern Song Dynasty (1175). Lu Zuqian invited them to mediate the dispute between Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan. In terms of research methods, Zhu Xi advocated that "learning should be based on the Tao" and "learning should be based on the principle of things", that is, to inspire the inner knowledge from extensive reading and observation of external things; Lu Jiuyuan advocates "respecting virtue" and "original intention of invention" Detailed »
Toad wants to eat goose meat The toad crawling on the ground wants to eat the swan flying in the sky. It is a metaphor for wishful thinking. Detailed »
End of water goose fly This is a metaphor for breaking off gratitude and taking different paths. It is also used to mean that there is nothing left. Detailed »
goose Heavy snow : Snow like goose feather. The snow is heavy and fierce. Detailed »
goose To preserve rites and abolish them : Save: Save. It means that the ancient etiquette form has disappeared, and only food remains Detailed »
Water purification goose fly See "Goose fly when water is full". Detailed »
goose Wang Zeru : Put the milk in the same container, and the goose king only drinks milk and leaves its water. It is a metaphor to choose the best essence. See "Zuting Shiyuan" (Volume V). Detailed »
Chicken fight goose Bucket : It is used to describe a quarrel Detailed »
A thousand miles away goose hair It means that although the gift is small, it contains deep friendship. Same as "goose feather sent from thousands of miles". Detailed »
A thousand miles away goose hair It means that although the gift is small, it contains deep friendship. Detailed »
Duck walk goose step Step: Go. Walk like a goose or a duck. It means walking slowly. Detailed »
Complete set of idioms

Chinese zodiac idiom: Idioms of the Year of the Rat Idioms in the Year of the Ox Idioms in the Year of the Tiger Idioms of the Year of the Rabbit Idioms in the Year of the Dragon Idioms in the Year of the Snake Idioms in the Year of the Horse Idioms of the Year of the Goat Idioms of the Year of the Monkey Idioms of the Year of the Rooster Idioms in the Year of the Dog Idioms of the Year of the Pig

Idioms of the four seasons: Idioms of Spring Idioms of summer Idioms of autumn Idioms of winter

Numeric Idioms: Idioms of One Idioms of two Idioms of Three Idioms of Four Five Idioms Idioms of Six Seven Idioms Eight Idioms Idioms of Nine Idiom of ten Idiom of Bai Idioms of thousands Wan's Idiom Idioms of 100 million yuan Idioms of number

Animal Idioms: Wolf idiom Idioms of bears Idioms of cats Idioms of deer Idioms of fish Monkey Idioms Idiom of goose Idiom of elephant Idioms of ducks Idiom of chicken The idiom of leopard Idiom of donkey Idioms of ants The idiom of snake Idioms of tortoise Idioms of apes Idioms of Phoenix Idioms of birds Idioms of cranes The idiom of eagle Idioms of bees

Color idiom: Red Idioms Orange Idiom Yellow Idioms Green Idioms Cyan idiom Idioms of Blue The idiom of purple Black Idiom White Idioms Grey Idioms

Idiom structure: Associative idiom Subject predicate idiom Complex sentence idiom Contractive idiom Partial formal idiom Verb object idiom Consecutive idiom Complex idiom Complementary Idioms

Number of Idioms: Three character idiom Four character idiom Five character idiom Six character idiom Seven character idiom Eight character idiom Nine character idiom Cross idiom Eleven character idiom Twelve character idiom

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