Idioms of the Year of the Roost_Description of Idioms of the Year of the Roost_A Collection of Idioms _ Red Couplet
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Idioms about the Year of the Rooster _ Idioms about the Year of the Rooster

Anthology of Idioms in the Year of the Rooster

Anthology of Idioms in the Year of the Rooster detailed
only chicken Doujiu : Dou: Wine vessel. Prepare a chicken and a pot of wine. Originally, it refers to the memorial objects for the dead, mostly used to mourn the dead friends. Later also refers to entertaining guests. Detailed »
chicken Zero dog fragments : describe things in pieces; Not systematic. Detailed »
gold chicken news : It refers to the news that the emperor issued an amnesty. Detailed »
chicken Scramble for food : Chicken Duck: It means mediocre people. The old term refers to villains competing for fame and wealth. Detailed »
Stupid as wooden chicken : Describing a god with dull appearance Detailed »
marry chicken By chicken It means that a married woman can only obey her husband Detailed »
chicken Look for bones in eggs : It means being deliberately picky. Detailed »
thief chicken Ringing : ① Metaphor with minor skills. ② It is a metaphor for sneaking. Detailed »
chicken Crouching swan egg : volt: hatching; Swan: Swan. Use chickens to hatch swan eggs. Metaphor is too small to be a great task Detailed »
Soil chicken Tile dog : Chicken made of mud, dog made of tile. It is a metaphor for something that has a false name but no utility. Detailed »
chicken Sing to wait for Dan See "Cock Singing and Abstinence". Detailed »
Ning Wei chicken Mouth is not an ox queen : Cow queen: Cow's anus. I would rather be a small and clean chicken mouth than a big and smelly ox anus. It is used to mean that we prefer to be independent in a small situation rather than being dominated by others in a big situation. Detailed »
Ning Wei chicken Don't be an ox queen This is a metaphor for being the first of the small rather than the second of the big. Same as "Better be a chicken than an ox queen". Detailed »
chicken Sing : Get up when the chicken crows. It describes diligence. Detailed »
chicken Dogs don't smell : It is described as extremely desolate and desolate. Detailed »
mountain chicken Reflecting water : Pheasants dance against the water. Metaphor Self appreciation Detailed »
Be as dull as wood chicken : See "Dumbfounded". Detailed »
Crane Walk chicken group : The same as "standing out from the crowd". Detailed »
feel chicken Steal a dog : Refers to petty theft. It also refers to the improper relationship between men and women Detailed »
kill chicken Take an egg It means to covet the small benefits at the moment and damage the long-term benefits. It is also called "killing the goose that lays the golden egg". Detailed »
Ning Wei chicken Mouth, inaction, empress : It is used to describe the people who prefer to be at the top of the small, but not behind the big Detailed »
chicken Dog restlessness : Ning: Peace. Even chickens and dogs can not be peaceful; It describes that the harassment is very serious. Detailed »
chicken Phoenix Nest : habitat: habitation. The chicken lives in the nest of the phoenix. It is a metaphor for people with low talent and morality occupying high positions. Detailed »
chicken All dogs are immortal It is said that Liu Anxiu, the king of Huainan in the Han Dynasty, refined herself into a fairy queen and scattered the remaining medicine in the yard. When the chickens and dogs ate it, they were all gone to heaven. Later, it is used to describe that when a person becomes an official, those who are related to him also become powerful. Detailed »
Well frog acyl chicken Yaji: The name of an insect, Lasiocera, is often used to describe small things. It is used to describe a person with limited vision and shallow knowledge. Detailed »
finger chicken Scold a dog : Pointing at the chicken and scolding the dog. It means to scold this person on the surface, but actually scold that person. Detailed »
Taste like chicken rib : Chicken ribs: the ribs of a chicken have no meat, which is a metaphor for something that has little meaning and can't bear to give up. It is a metaphor that it is a pity not to do something, but it is not good to do it. Detailed »
chicken Flying dog barks Scare the chicken to fly and the dog to bark. Describe a mess Detailed »
wood chicken Raise to : Wooden chicken: The fighting chicken looks as stiff as wood. It describes that kung fu is perfect. Detailed »
chicken Sing a dog thief : refers to insignificant skills; It also refers to people with such skills. It often describes such improper behaviors as sneaking. Detailed »
kill chicken Macaque : Kill the chicken and show it to the monkey. To punish one person in order to intimidate or warn others. Detailed »
Stand erect chicken group : Like a crane standing among chickens. It refers to outstanding talent or appearance. Detailed »
Bucket chicken Walking dog : The same as "fighting chicken and running dogs". Detailed »
chicken Intestinal dog belly It is a metaphor for narrow measurement and cruel heart Detailed »
chicken Fishbone It is used to describe something that is slight but not valued. Detailed »
chicken Flying dogs scurry : This is used to describe a riot caused by being disturbed Detailed »
Outstanding chicken group : Like a crane standing among chickens. It means that a person's appearance or talent stands out in a group of people around him. Detailed »
chicken Flying Dog Jump : frighten the chicken to fly, frighten the dog to jump around. Described as panic Detailed »
chicken Skin crane hair : Wrinkled skin and white hair. Describe aging. Old people have wrinkled skin and white hair. Detailed »
Crane bone chicken skin : Lingding thin bone, wrinkled skin. It describes old age. Detailed »
steal chicken Steal a dog : See "Sneaking around". Detailed »
One sing male chicken The world is white As soon as the cock crows, it will light up. It describes the dawn in the east and the end of the long night. It means the truth comes out Detailed »
Soft shell chicken egg : It is used to describe a person with weak temper Detailed »
chicken Fat does not lay eggs : It means that the conditions are too good to achieve Detailed »
Stealing Dog Play chicken : It is a metaphor for neglecting one's work. Detailed »
Huai King chicken dog : It is used to describe a person who is attached to others and gains power Detailed »
chicken Bone ramus : The original meaning is to be thin and tired on the bed due to excessive bereavement and grief. It was later used as a metaphor to show filial piety in the funeral of parents. Also described as very thin. Detailed »
kill chicken Wipe one's neck : It describes the anxious and unthinkable look in my heart. Detailed »
Soil chicken Tile dog : See "Native chicken and tile dog". Detailed »
See the egg and ask for it chicken When he saw eggs, he hoped that they would turn into chickens, and came to the morning to announce the dawn. The metaphor is premature. Detailed »
Complete set of idioms

Chinese zodiac idiom: Idioms of the Year of the Rat Idioms in the Year of the Ox Idioms in the Year of the Tiger Idioms of the Year of the Rabbit Idioms in the Year of the Dragon Idioms in the Year of the Snake Idioms in the Year of the Horse Idioms of the Year of the Goat Idioms of the Year of the Monkey Idioms of the Year of the Rooster Idioms in the Year of the Dog Idioms of the Year of the Pig

Idioms of the four seasons: Idioms of Spring Idioms of summer Idioms of autumn Idioms of winter

Numeric Idioms: Idioms of One Idioms of two Idioms of Three Idioms of Four Five Idioms Idioms of Six Seven Idioms Eight Idioms Idioms of Nine Idiom of ten Idiom of Bai Idioms of thousands Wan's Idiom Idioms of 100 million yuan Idioms of number

Animal Idioms: Wolf idiom Idioms of bears Idioms of cats Idioms of deer Idioms of fish Monkey Idioms Idiom of goose Idiom of elephant Idioms of ducks Idiom of chicken The idiom of leopard Idiom of donkey Idioms of ants The idiom of snake Idioms of tortoise Idioms of apes Idioms of Phoenix Idioms of birds Idioms of cranes The idiom of eagle Idioms of bees

Color idiom: Red Idioms Orange Idiom Yellow Idioms Green Idioms Cyan idiom Idioms of Blue The idiom of purple Black Idiom White Idioms Grey Idioms

Idiom structure: Associative idiom Subject predicate idiom Complex sentence idiom Contractive idiom Partial formal idiom Verb object idiom Consecutive idiom Complex idiom Complementary Idioms

Number of Idioms: Three character idiom Four character idiom Five character idiom Six character idiom Seven character idiom Eight character idiom Nine character idiom Cross idiom Eleven character idiom Twelve character idiom

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