Forget to sleep after eating _ meaning of forgetting to sleep after eating _ red couplet
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The meaning of abandoning food and forgetting sleep

Waste food and forget sleep

fèi shí wàng qǐn

Refined version of the explanation of food waste and sleep forgetting

Basic explanation of food waste and sleep forgetting

Waste: stop; Sleep: sleep. Too busy sleeping to eat. Describe concentration


  • Waste :

    ◎ Waste Waste f è i Moving (1) (Pictophoney. From Guang, sound. From "Guang" (y ǎ n), it refers to the house. Original meaning: house collapses) (2) Same as the original meaning [collapse] Waste, house also—— Shuowen. Duan Yucai's note: "The dull words mean that the house is dull and empty..."

  • food :

    Index finger: A>Second finger. B> It means family population. [Words]: "The index finger is numerous". Breach of promise: keep your promise. [Words]: "Eat your word and fatten it", "Speak with your promise, don't break your promise." For food& n...

  • forget :

    ◎ Forget w à ng Moving (1) (Comprehension and sound. From the heart, from death, death also sound. Original meaning: forget, do not remember) (2) Same as the original meaning [get] Forget, don't know—— Shuowen Never forget the German pronunciation—— Poem, Zheng Feng, a lesbian carriage Middle age sickness forgets—— Columns

  • Sleep :

    ◎ Sleep Sleep Moving (1) (Pictorial sound. From the age of old, it invades the sound. Original meaning: sleep) (2) Same as the original meaning [sleep; lie] Sleep, lie also—— Shuowen Sleep without falling asleep—— The Book of Rites - Quli Part I Slaughter in the daytime—— The Analects of Confucius · Gong Yechang I sleep at night

Source of idiom: Tang · Wang Bo's Preface to Sending Jie to Imperial College: "If you waste food and forget sleep, you will have a bright future."

Idiom Traditional: Waste food and forget sleep

Abbreviation of idioms: FSWQ

Idiomatic phonetic notation:

Common degree: General idiom

Number of Idioms: Four character idiom

Emotional color: Neutral idiom

Idiom usage: As predicate, attribute, adverbial; Describes people who work hard.

Idiom structure: Syntagmatic idiom

Idiom time: Ancient idiom

words whose meaning is similar: forget to eat and sleep

Examples of idioms:

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