Nodding for goodness _ meaning nodding for goodness _ red couplet
Complete set of idioms Red couplet
Red couplet Complete set of idioms
Just input the idiom or its simple spelling, for example a promise is weightier than one thousand bars of gold or ynqj

Nodding means good

Nod your head and say good

diǎn tóu chēng shàn

Nodding and Saying Good Explanations Refined Edition

  • Tao: Say; Good: Good. Agree

Nod and say good Basic explanation

Tao: Say; Good: Good. Agree


  • spot :

    In geometry, it is called "point" that has no length, width, thickness or thickness but only position. Directives, hints, [word formation]: "enlightening", "enlightening", "waking up at one point", "highlighting the theme". Check and verify one by one. [Words]: "Count..."

  • head :

    ◎ Head (1) Tou suffix (2) Append to some nouns to form new nouns. For example, wood; stone (3) Attach to some verbs to form nouns. Such as: idea (4) Append to adjectives to form nouns. For example, the more he learns, the more he gains (5) Attached to the rear of the bearing

  • call :

    ◎ Scale Weigh ch e ng Moving (1) (Pictophonetic sound. From the sound of "He" to "Cheng". (ch è ng) Original meaning: an instrument for weighing the weight of an object. This meaning was later written as "scale". Also refers to weighing) (2) Determine weight [weight] It is hard to weigh without judgment—— Chu

  • good :

    ◎ Shan à n Shape (1) (Comprehension follows words and sheep. Speech is speech. Sheep is the symbol of auspiciousness. Original meaning: auspiciousness) (2) Same as [Lucky] Good, good—— Shuowen Those who come are good at the day and evil at the time. Which is better than the evil day and good at the time—— Book of the Han Dynasty - Biography of Yi Feng (3)...

Source of idiom: The 106th chapter of the Water Margin by Ming Shi Naian: "Chen Yi and the following people all nodded their heads and said good."

Idiom Traditional: Nod your head and say good

Abbreviation of idioms: DTCS

Idiomatic phonetic notation:

Common degree: Common Idioms

Number of Idioms: Four character idiom

Emotional color: Neutral idiom

Idiom usage: As predicate and attribute; Refers to approval.

Idiom structure: Orthodox idiom

Idiom time: Ancient idiom

words whose meaning is similar: Nod and say yes

Examples of idioms: The 91st chapter of Cai Dongfan's Popular Romance of the Republic of China: "We must first claim that Hunan Province can be recovered, so that the southern army can be a little worried about the voice, and then we can apply for peace again. Feng also nodded his head and said good."

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